Feb 10, 2012

Mafia Poker Nerfs & Omissions


Pack of 10 Mafia Poker cardsThere is some bad news about Mafia Poker Season 2. According to the Official Mafia Wars Blog, we won’t get to keep all the mastery items we earn like we did with the last season. When it is all said and done, we will end up with one loot item! That’s hardly worth all the spam.

Mafia Poker FAQ
Important Note:
As you progress towards Mastery Levels, you will receive one Bronze Mastery item – Single Malt after completing 10 wins. Stats of this item will be updated as you progress towards higher Mastery Levels up to Emerald Mastery.”

I immediately checked my inventory to make sure that all of my Fortune Tellers from the first season were still there. Fortunately they were.


In my post outlining Mafia Poker Season 2, it was difficult to determine the limits for Poker Card requests because not everybody is getting the same results (1). The Mafia Wars Blog post was formatted as a FAQ so I thought these very frequently asked  questions would be answered.  All they did was copy/paste their last post and didn’t bother to tell us how many Poker Cards we could get from requests or the news feeds. This is information we need to know now so we can plan a strategy.

Q: How do I get cards?
A:  You can request your friends for cards through feeds and get cards in return when you help them. You can also buy cards using Reward Points.

It’s been over 4 hours and I’ve been able to generate 2 news feed requests. I gained 15 Poker Cards from my first request before it expired and my second one retuned a grand total of 0! Obviously there are issues already. Based on what other players have gotten, I suspect we are supposed to get 20 Poker Cards per request. Since the big pay off is only one loot item, I don’t even care.


Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. my limit was 140 cards, am not getting anything from begging post, did two, got nothing. and you're right all of that for one loot item, am not going to waste my time on that. If I get cards I get them, if I don't, I don't.

  2. 164 cards for the moment ;)

  3. Use Stream Scanner...i received over 100 Cards ;)

  4. Another enormous FAIL by Zynga

  5. Sucks. We can't even gift blast these cards anymore. Oh well...another thing that I won't be getting too involved in.

  6. 164 cards with Stream Scanner set at 6 hours

  7. wiht stream scanner..was 164...and now 199...see you later ;)

  8. This could be fun.But they squeezed the life out of it.Pity

  9. Found something we all liked from the first time, changed it, now it's broke and sucks. Ba-zynga'd.

  10. what a ****ing joke, zynga now just playing us for fools... I just can't understand the concept of making the players miserable... maybe they want players to quit so their servers are not overcrowded... it's anyones guess why they do the stupid things they do...

    all for one measly loot item... ummm, hell no!

  11. about 125 with streamscanner

  12. Posted twice and got NADA both times!!! Wot a joke............

  13. They took all the cards that I have remained since the last time 300 pieces! And now for the request I received two cards in two attempts, with no substitutions. This is not real. They want me to buy cards for free money to them then they took it? I will show them where to go!

  14. Yet another pointless spam event that can eat shit and die for all I care.

    'nuff said.

  15. hello again,i got 231 maxi ;)

  16. Sure it is...As soon as I finish Level 1 ( 10 wins ) , I'm stopping. ;-)

  17. Yup. Lost my Bronze Malt when I made it to silver. I'm done. Zynga indeed can be really, unbelievably, stupid.

  18. A very negative event- bring on the fight club loot and forget this rubbish ;-)


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