Feb 8, 2012

El Dorado Returns Tomorrow


Zynga is on a Secret District kick. Tomorrow El Dorado will unlock. I’m sure we will need to pay 25-35 reward points to unlock it but repeating Secret Districts is a good way to get skill points. If you have the resources to complete them in 12 days, they are the best deal around.


For review all the El Dorado ratios, loot and consumable requirements, go here.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Do you get your 35RP points back?

  2. i have missed el dorado, must start with bronce. question,is it worth to spend 25 rp? i could get skill points.

  3. WOW this page lay out is getting to me...DAMN OCD....

  4. Whale, no you dont, you spend the 35rp's to gain the skills points in the job completion. It is a good source of these per RP spent.

    Think there are 10 jobs per level, 10x4=40 skill points for 35 rp, only the reallocation skill is better return on RP.

  5. Even if you finished the Secret district the 1st time around, if you spend the rp's will you start over again?

  6. Good question. Anybody knows?

  7. if you finished the district first time round, it resets so you start everything from scratch. for your 35RP's you gain 35-40 skill points for completing it again. you also get the RUBY completion armor again for completing it, and it actually better to spend your RP's on this than it is to spend on Realocation. oh and you get certain skill points for gaining different loot. if you only have a small amount of energy then it's not really worth it

  8. i had only completed up to Gold level the last time. if i pay 25RPs to unlock, do i start all over again from scratch? or continue from where i last stopped?


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