Feb 9, 2012

The 3 Second Penalty Wait!


When accepting gifts from our ZMC, we have 3 options. We can accept and return, just accept or ignore. When it comes to accepting, the obvious choice for those who care about helping their mafia is the “Accept Gift and Thanks” button. It’s faster to click the “Accept Gift” link but your mafia member doesn’t get a gift back. The same is true with the “Ignore” link but there is a workaround. Using the Spockholm Gift Collector will send return gifts when they are ignored (1).gp1

The Gift Collector has a “Send gifts back” box. The default is checked but players who don’t want to return gifts to their mafia can uncheck it.


In the example below, I ignored all of the Red Roses in my ZMC because I no longer need them and don’t want the boosts. I left the “Send gifts back “ box checked and you can see in the log that return requests were made.


On a recent episode of the Informant Podcast, Jana and I questioned why anyone would choose not to send a gift back. Pete explained it was a little bit faster but we all agreed it was rude. After listening to the show, Eike came up with a solution that will protect us all from selfish mafia members. If you uncheck the “Send gifts back” box, a 3 second penalty will be imposed. The log message will read “Not sending gift back, 3s penalty wait.


The same will happen if you accept gifts and opt not to return them.


If you don’t want to help your mafia or take the 3 second penalty, the ZMC is the place for you! Click, Click, Click…it is faster!


Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I can think of one reason to not return gifts...if you are getting ready to send out gifts to your mafia for some new MW event and you have gifts to accept like boosts....I would rather not send that back because then I will get another one in return and I am pretty sure my mafia member would rather get a gift associated with the new event.

  2. Love this post !! Hate selfish mafia memberes, but now they have no choice :P ! Eike , hats off to you !

  3. Wow... it seems that Zynga's mentality has finally infected you people. Cut out the BS and let people play the game the way THEY want - not the way you feel is "proper"

  4. Damn STUPID will not be using spock Tools anymore...alot faster to click then have to wait, and who the hell yous think yous are Punishing us if we do not want to return gifts, as many peps I know use blaster to send out.... Just Stupid....Pure stupid Just seems like a power trip to me....

  5. @1st poster, you don't understand how the gifting system works.
    If someone sends you a gift and you return the gift it ends there.
    The person you returned to doesn't get the option to send another to you, they only get the option to accept gift.
    The only way they can return a gift to you is if you were the one to first send them a gift.

  6. There is a perfectly good reason not to always return gifts. Take the Dragon Mystery Bags, for example. They are now expired and I have 150 of them in my ZMC. Now it's taking me 3 times as long to ignore them because I have Send Gifts Back unchecked. A bit annoying tbh.

  7. Anonymous 1 gave one answer I was going to give. I also will have one of my minis gift me something I need that the mini does not and vice versa. The current red rose gift is a great example. I'm at gold and my mini is at silver. No need for the mini to return the rose I sent him. Better he should send a Special part or mystery bag.

  8. I have used gift collector pretty much exclusively especially for gifts that I do not need and I always have checked return gift.I think it is great you can ignore a gift but still help by returning it to your mafia member.

  9. I uncheck the button as I am sending gifts to my accounts. For example 1 account needs Special Part the other needs Exotic Animal Feed. This means I need to send gifts before i collect them.

  10. I am a big fan of Spockholm Mafia Tools and an even bigger fan of Jen's Blog, but my opinion is that this penalty is a bad idea and very frustrating. I have been using the "Ignore and Return a gift" option from day one, and think it is one of the best features of the Gift Collector. But, as a "power user", I am sending (Blasting) and receiving gifts from both my general mafia members and from my own helper accounts to get the best possible balance of the most useful gifts. I do 2 runs with collector, each time I use it. Once with "Send a Thank you gift " checked for the general mafia member gifts and then, if I have 150 special parts to accept from helper accounts that do not need any gifts returned, I un-check the thank you box and accept those, quickly! But, that is no longer an option. I feel like we are being punished, because Jen finally took the time to learn all the options in the Gift Collector, instead of continuing to use her beloved "ZMC Agent" with the pretty pictures :) Don't you think we should be able to use these tools however they best fit our own situations? I feel like these tools are now being run by some Socialist Type Government operation, that will decide for us, how we should act and behave? At the very least, maybe you can keep the penalty for the standard tool bar users and remove the penalty from the Golden Tool Bar users who made a donation? Please consider correcting this and trusting your Tool users to do the right thing. Thanks for listening!

  11. I think this 'feature' should be pulled from the script.

    Spockholm should not cross the line into dictating how a player should use a script when by extension it dictates how they should play the game.

    Not only is 'penalizing' a player for not playing the way they feel is appropriate crossing that line, but it is also naively ignoring the perfectly legitimate circumstances in which BOTH yourself and your mafia members benefit MORE if you accept without returning then proceed to send them a something else. (such as expired or new events)

    Side note: I am not a user of this particular spocklet, so my comments are not biased by it's affect on me.


  12. hahaha now Spockholm is telling ME how to play... Oh well MW Addon does NOT have this limitation.

  13. Bulk of the comments suck. All I heard is helper account blah blah, not fair blah blah... WRITE YOUR OWN SCRIPTS IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT!!!!!

  14. Since that many players are not liking this change, we'll remove it. It's not our job to help people being social, although I hope this helped a few people thinking about this. Thanks and bye, eike


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