Jan 13, 2012

Zynga Addresses The Mafia Poker Bug


Earlier today I posted about a Mafia Poker bug that was stressing out many players (1). Winning hands were being credited and players were told their hand was the loser. In the example below, the player has a flush but the hand was ranked as Queen High.
Zynga addressed this issue on their Known Issues forum as well as the Mafia Wars Blog. They are claiming the cause to be running Mafia Wars in multiple windows and recommend that Mafia Poker be played without any scripts running at the same time.

Default Mafia Poker Issues

Hello Mafia Players,

We are aware that some of you are experiencing the following issue:

Mafia Poker Issues
Issue: Some players report that their "Draw" button goes missing. Others report that, even after understanding that we consider the Ace the highest card, not the lowest, they will sometimes lose with a winning hand, such as two pairs vs. the dealer having just one.
Status: We have determined that most, if not all, of these issues are the result of playing Mafia Wars in multiple tabs/windows and/or with scripts. Please try disabling any scripts you may be using and playing the game in only one tab/window at a time. If, after doing this, you still experience any issues with Mafia Poker, please reply to this post with your answers to the following questions so that we may better assist you.
Workaround: Disable scripts and play Mafia Wars in only one tab/window at a time. If you know of another workaround for this issue, please Submit A Workaround.

Remember, only forum moderators, administrators, and Mafia Wars developers will be able to see your post, so your information will remain private.
  1. When did you first notice the issue?
  2. What are you doing in the game when you experience the issue? (Please provide as much detail as possible to help us reproduce the actions that trigger the issue for you.)
  3. What Internet browser are you using and what is its version number? (Example: Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.)
  4. What is your Facebook profile link? (Examples: http://www.facebook.com/username orhttp://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=4444444444444444)


~Mafia Wars Team
Last edited by Don Perogi; Today at 01:13 PM.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Bug after bug after bug. It gets tiresome. You'd think that a company with multi-billion dollar capitalization would have a Quality Control process that ensured that what was delivered to the customer was working before launching.

    1. It's been this way with Zynga since day ONE! Fact of the matter is, they have not a single person in their programming team, that is capable of determining the "root cause", much less anyone in the company that has any conceptual knowledge of the basic problem resolving formula involving the 'root cause" concept. Zynga's programmers, are all of Zuckerburg's rejects!

  2. I have tried to see Zynga's perspective on their product issues, but cant get my head that far up my ass!!!

  3. Hahahaha, now they go blame the scripts and playing in multiple tabs. So desperate. This is just a way for Zynga NOT to fix their bugs in the poker game.

  4. i cut my finger once

  5. I wonder how they determined that running scripts simultaneously are causing the problem. Things that make ya go Hmmmmmmmmm.

  6. I sent a report saying that if I can only do Mafia Wars poker in a single tab then I will certainly never play mafia wars poker. Sent a picture of my locked up 4-card flush.

  7. Look at it from an I.T. perspective. Nearly every piece of software you run from PC to console comes with bugs. Games have been buggy for decades. Consoles were forced into adding hard drives because of the numerous patches required (later those hard drives were used to exploit the game buyer with releases of extra maps/levels...another time for that rant!) But as anyone running windows should know, we the users, are actually the User Acceptance Team. At last count the service packs for XP (all three plus weekly patches) are about 3 times bigger than the original OS.

    So new software = 80% tested and 20% not tested due to overlooking problems and new exploits developed to that software.

    I forgive Zynga for following in Microsofts' footsteps and making us their UAT Team. New coding comes with over looked bugs, it always will! They release it at 80% knowing we will find the rest!

    What breaks my balls with Zynga is simple. They are they the only software company I have come across who can screw up 'cut and paste software' that WORKS. The ones where they take an existing part of the game and all they change are the images/text.....Incredible work! We have had bugs from day one get fixed and still appear EVERYTIME that they cut and paste that same code 3 1/2 years later...

    27 years an I.T. Analyst/programmer - thought I had seen sloppy until I started to play Zynga games! LOL

  8. had it several times and i dont use scripts so thinkin must be multiple tabs thing


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