Jan 12, 2012

Yahoo Account Redemption


Yahoo has been added to the Account Drop Menu on Mafia Wars. This is for players from Yahoo to use to convert their accounts to the Facebook platform. Yesterday Zynga announced that Mafia Wars was discontinuing their relationship with Yahoo (1).
When you click on "Yahoo", you get a popup to enter your Yahoo Network PIN Code.
If you played Mafia Wars on Yahoo and made it to Level 30 or spent money on Reward Points, you will get a PIN code when you go to your Mafia Wars account on Yahoo. If you enter an invalid PIN code, you get an error code. If you try to enter a code more than 10 times in a 5 minute window, you won't be able to try again for 10 minutes. Zynga is being very careful not to have another Tagged incident (1).
If you look at the ratings, Mafia Wars was the 10th out of 20 most popular social game on Yahoo. There were only 9,749 users so we won't see as many players who got a lump sum of Reward Points like we did with MySpace (1).
If you click on "View Game Info & Screenshots", the first thing you will see is an image claiming that there are "Over 20 Million Players". I don't know who's ass they keep pulling this over 20 million players statistic out of  but it's no wonder nobody from Yahoo wanted to play Mafia Wars. If the first thing you notice about a game is a lie, then why bother playing?

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. How do you know they don't have 20 million players? It doesn't say *daily* players, or even *monthly* players, it just says "players." If they have 20 million people signed up that's 20 million players in their database.

  2. That is the 20 Million accounts that are dead because the owners quit playing.


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