Jan 10, 2012

Property Manager Updates


Some nice additions have been added to the Property Manager by Team Spockholm (1). The Assassin's Academy is now on the growing list of craftable properties. Just select the  you are allowed to craft and click the "Craft Items" button.
When items are crafted, the skill points that your gain will be displayed in the log.
The next time you load the Property Manager, a countdown timer will be displayed from the last time you crafted the item.
When in Reward Point Spending Mode, the countdown timers will still be displayed and all properties have been added. Many prefer to speed build from the Limited Time Properties because they don't require any parts. Martin likes to stress that YOUR Reward Points will be used when in this mode. Team Spockholm is not giving them to you or creating them out of thin air. If you don't have enough Reward Points to craft an item then number of times you select, it won't work.
Remember to use the Restart option if you leave your computer running all the time.  This will be very helpful to ensure you don't miss a collecting or crafting opportunity. The Limited Time Mission End Of Days has a few parts where this may come in handy. If you craft for Family Progression make sure you don't craft twice in the same 24 hours.
What I like best about the Property Manager is it has a memory. Every time you load it, the items you crafted on the last run will be selected. Union Hall on the Home Page would be a great feature if it did too. For some reason they proved two locations within Union Hall where you can scroll through the Chop Shop, Weapons Depot, Armory and the Private Zoo and craft an item with one click. This would be awesome if the item wasn't selected for you and the last one you crafted was offered. Why on earth would I want to craft a Strong Arm from my Armory? It has crappy stats and offers no skill points. Until a memory component is added, Union Hall is useless for crafting and I will continue to use the Property Manager.
Thanks to Eike and Mike for answering my questions about these new additions.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. hay Jan that is good to update in Property Manager but still spock need to do more in Brazil & Chicago property cose in some property we can make consumable & property manger can make only 1 , but we can make more than 1 so spock need to work on this section too, hope they do it soon. :)

  2. strange advice not to craft twice in any 24 hour. I know what i will do.


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