Jan 12, 2012

New Items in Inventory


The Inventory History picked up a few new loot items today.
The first is a Poker Card. It says it's from the Marketplace but it has no stats. Maybe this is some type of consumable item we will need for an event. Those are usually available for purchase in the Marketplace.
Another scary thought is it could be the next round of Collectable Stat Cards (1). The Crime Series Cards aren't in the inventory so I hope they aren't releasing more anytime soon. I still haven't collected all the loot items for the current batch and have spend thousands upon thousands trying. Unless Zynga makes these cards more accessible, tradable and a better deal for skill points, the majority of purchases will be the ones players make by mistake (1).
The next item is the Fortune Teller and is marked for a Special Event. I cringed at seeing the Emerald Star and initially thought there was another property on the schedule. Most are having a hard time with the Assassin's Academy and the next one is already on the line up (1). The more they offer these properties, the more I see people quitting! The property items have all been labeled Property so this item probably is for an Event. There are 5 different levels the best has stats of 105/160. I don't know where this Emerald Level came from. Historically fifth levels have been Diamond. To me Emerald doesn't seem like the best because they made the beginning tiers of the Loyalty Program Emerald. Looks like I have to get used to it.
I don't know where this Emerald Level came from. Historically fifth levels have been Diamond. To me Emerald doesn't seem like the best because they made the beginning tiers of the Loyalty Program Emerald. Looks like I have to get used to it.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law

1 comment:

  1. really thousand... just spend 1700 got all of them... :P


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