Jan 7, 2012

Live Chat Waiting Game


It's bad enough that it takes days or sometimes weeks to see the Live Chat icon on the Customer Support Page.
I had a problem today and was quite pleased to see that Live Chat was available. For about 45 minutes I patiently waited for an agent to become available. During the waiting period it's important to keep your eye on the window. If the agent becomes available and you don't respond in a timely fashion they cut you off. There is no notification when the agent responds so you need to manually open the window over and over again.
I played their game and was a little surprised when I got the message "There are currently no available agents  to interact with you. Please try again later". If they aren't available then Zynga needs to keep the Live Chat icon off my page. I just wasted about an hour of my life on this. I thought it was just me but Arvind Jain had the same thing happen to him. I'm still mad about my game issue and even more irritated about them making me wait for nothing. No wonder people are quitting Zynga games.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. The same thing happened to me about two months ago. I haven't seen the live chat back since. It's actually very sad. This is seriously one of the worst customer service departments I've ever dealt with. Even when you get someone it's broken English, and little to no resolution 95% of the time.


  2. no surprise...but I tell you...as this happened in the past...and probably will in the near future...I keep my screen open just enough to see a change. Eventually my patience will prevail...but always told...we cannot do anything for you...and your issue will be dealt with a CS developer which never seems to come my way. Here is a interesting fact, we had two wars back to back, and we neither got credit for it on our page...and no loot either. Told there is nothing they can do...even though they can see who we fight supposedly with some log. Hell I gave them the tags name...and still nadda. Even the opposing family said they were screwed out of loot.

  3. took 7 days for them to answer my email - cant connect to live chat in Australia

  4. Same waitefd over hr for help and got none.. next day looked at my email and I got one of those sorry we missed you, bi they didnt even answer me

  5. Jenn.. I have had this issue many a time. I am starting to think they have "flagged" my account and ignore me on purpose. also as for not seeing the "Live Chat" very often.. if when I initally open the support page it's not there.. I usually can refresh the page several times and it shows up (depending on the time of day). I personally have given up on e-mail support as they usually take weeks to reply to me.


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