Jan 2, 2012

Invite Friends Sub-Module


The Your Mafia Activity Module was recently added back to the Home Page Module. I noticed that there was a new notification on my account asking me to "Invite Friends". If this is Zynga's plan to increase the DAU metrics, they better come up with a different strategy.
The message tells you to "Grow your mafia to win more fights!". This would sound appealing if I were a new player and didn't understand the game.
The problem is there aren't that many new players. Most accounts with less than 501 mafia are probably minis. Players who have been at it for a while will have more mafia members than they will ever need. I have a mafia of 4,002 and adding a few more isn't going to cause me to win any more fights than I already do.
I checked several accounts and this sub-module was on all of them. My account without any real mafia members and only Hired Guns had the message too. It's a little misleading. I could invite a million people to play Mafia Wars and neither one of these accounts would win more fights.
If they really want us to invite our friends, they should change a few things in the game or offer some hope that it will improve. The "Invite Friend" button shown below would be utilized.
Another thing that is flawed with this system is the Your Mafia Activity Module is way at the end. With 11-13 Modules in existence at this point in time, the odds you will ever see it are greatly decreased. Perhaps they should do away with some of the events so the Invite Friends Sub-Module will be more visible. What they should do is improve Mafia Wars and create a separate module for this function.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. What I really wish they would fix is me having to invite all of my FB friends. If they are just FB friends and don't play the invite sits in the box forever and comes up on every golden promotion option to send crap to. Zynga is killing the fun of the game and why would I subject my friends to this crappy greedy game. Nothing works except for the buy button.

  2. Zynga's next move will be to add the "Invite Friends" tab to the Fight module, directly between Attack and Power Attack. Tupid "Invite" tab.

    ~ Frank

  3. Just noticed the "We promise To stop fucking up the game"...Classic!

    Thanks for the laugh!

    ~ Frank

  4. im not playing mw for two days, that was my new years resolution and it felt good...goodbye guys...i'll be deleting your this informative site on my bookmark soon, thank you lootlady...


  5. I vote for the "We promise to stop fucking up the game - invite friends" button...but, I'm sure the next one we see will be..."we'll keep fucking up the game if you don't - INVITE FRIENDS" button....Thanx for the smile

    _ Thomas_

  6. The default for sending gifts or asking for Mission help is set to MY FB Friends list on my mini. Not MY Family or Mafia. Pretty cheesy.


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