Jan 20, 2012

Collector's Edition Item: New York Rat


The Friday Collector's Edition item is the New York Rat and has stats of 93/161.
This little guy costs 35 Reward Points.
What's with the sudden interest in rats? Lab Rats were just added to Blue Mystery Bags.
A quick inventory search reveals that there is also a Brown and Black Rat in the game.
I found another one but it wasn't in the inventory!

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I have 11 of them but they are only 61 defence not 161...

  2. Suddenly got over 100 blue mystery bags because everyone thinks it's the 161d item.

  3. What's the Stats on that Pincus Rat, -200 Attack & -200 Defense, or is it -1000 on each side.

  4. In answer to your question regarding the interest in rats it's simple. That's because it's the year of the Dragon. Everyone knows that Dragons and rats are related...or is it rats and Zynga...i forget...

    Don't give up your day jobs


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