Dec 9, 2011

Zynga Doesn't Care About Old Players


There is an interesting article on the Forbes website which contains information about Zyngas upcoming IPO and their attitude towards existing players. Apparently Zynga isn't concerned about established players because they feel new ones are easy to get by creating new games. For more details, go to this article on the Reuters website. Mafia Wars which no longer attracts new players is the perfect example to demonstrate the actions that go along with the statement below. All Mafia Wars players should be concerned by this and stop wasting money on the game.

"Pincus side-stepped that and said that by offering many new games quickly to attract new players, it doesn’t matter if old players are leaving."
The author also advises to use caution if you decide to invest in Zynga.

"If you do decide to invest, just be careful. A company that relies so heavily on other existing titles for “ inspiration,” and has another site, Facebook, credited with 95% of its users seems like it can have a lot of things go wrong very quickly."

Thanks to David Sutton for posting the link on the fan page.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Mr. sir are a twunt. (combination of two slang terms for the female genitalia).

  2. Doesn't "Pincus" rhyme with "Dincus"? (slang term for a "richard".)

  3. I wonder if new players generate more revenue than older ones? I know when I first started playing Mafia Wars, a couple years ago, I bought reward points. It wasn't until I learned more about the game that I realized it was futile to buy RP. The playing field was just too uneven, for a variety of reasons. I was especially disappointed to learn that there was rampant script usage that Zynga was doing nothing about.

  4. This is the true reason why old players don't matter, nor do our whines, gripes, and legitimate complaints. Zynga isn't differentiating players by game; DAU/MAU totals reign supreme. As long as Zynga feels all players across their portfolio are equal (and easily replaceable), and paying player percentages remain steady, what you want means nothing.

    Even expressing your frustration by quitting means nothing. EVERY MW player could quit tomorrow and Zynga feels confident that those players, and more importantly the much smaller percentage of purchasers can be completely recovered with one new game release.

    And you wonder why blogs like this have gradually adopted a negative tone. MW used to be the flag ship title, now, it is more like the Titanic.

  5. wow thats why I never play any other game ny Zynga.. What toolz..

  6. That's kind of obvious though if you've been observing Zynga for a while. A lot of other game developers on facebook only have a handful of games which they've been nourishing for a long time now while Zyngas answer is to simply flood Facebook with a new "...ville" every few months to get another spike.

    Apparently it IS easier to just get people attracted to the new shiny thing instead of making sure the old one works well.

  7. Zynga has proved to the player base two things without a doubt. They can not be trusted and they are truly bottom feeders.

    Anyone that invest in this company are sure to regret it big time.

  8. I think it's a stupid thing to say that he's not worried about the old players... He does have a point, but maybe he shouldn't have said it out to the world. Old players are at a good lvl where they have everything and a lot more advantages than new players. The new players will spend rp just to get ahead or as someone else said get big spikes at shiny new games.

  9. I think most players know it is a sinking ship, or should. Titanic is the perfect metaphor, but Zynga is completely sinkable...Surprise, you twunt, Pincus

    They will replace everyone in every game because it's cheaper to make a new game full of f*%kin holes than to fix an existing game. Zynga is like a cheap building contractor...get what you pay for

    Jack ;}

  10. ZYNGA is losing a lot of players due to their lack of caring. There will always be new players to take the place of us who have played FV from the start. I have already quit several ZYNGA game and had stopped playing FV for a year. I went back to playing in Oct of 2011 but with their lack of care I am ready to stop again.


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