Dec 10, 2011

Thank You Gifts That Keep On Giving


Many have posted images of multiple gifts sent from the same player in their ZMC. Players have also asked what happens to thank you gifts if you open a gift that returns an error or you hit your limit of 200. Yesterday I hit my gift limit for the day saw a gift from Hayden from the Mafia Wars Maniac Blog. It had a "Accept Gift and Thank" button so I opened it.
I got the "You cannot accept any more Free Gifts today" error and the gift disappeared from my ZMC.
I asked Hayden to check his ZMC to see if there was a gift from me and there was. This answered the question of what happens to thank you gifts in the event of an error. The person still gets one even though you get the error.
My ZMC showed I had 99 gifts left once I attempted to open the gift from Hayden. As soon as I closed the ZMC, the count went back to 100. I opened it up again and the gift was back and in the exact same position.
I attempted to open it again, got the error and asked Hayden to recheck his ZMC. He got another thank you gift from me and his gift was once again returned to my ZMC. The cycle continued and soon Hayden had a ZMC full of thank you gifts from me. He was able to open all of them.
I reproduced this on my energy account using a Mystery Bag. You can see the same thing happened.
All of them opened up and my energy account got a variety of crap from the multiple Mystery Bags sent from me as thank you gifts. I guess the moral of this story is to accept your gifts if you hit your limit because you can still help your mafia members. If you want to really help them, open them more than once and they will get multiple thank you gifts. The only way to clear gifts with errors from your ZMC is to wait for them to get bumped. Otherwise they will linger. Players who don't receive a lot of gifts find this irritating and often find their ZMC is full of Mafia Wars Invite requests that don't work.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Now you've posted, wonder how long it will be before another loophole is closed.

  2. And how did you know about this loophole?

    It's a good thing that LL informs about the glitches, if only a few exploits them thats cheeting in my book.

  3. "I guess the moral of this story is to accept your gifts if you hit your limit because you can still help your mafia members. If you want to help them a lot, open them up more than once and they will get multiple thank you gifts."

    Awesome thought, but from what I've seen in the game far more players are totally selfish and will do nothing to help others in MW ... although the thought of sending a ton of bags to their energy accounts will get them energized.

    Great job as always, Jen.

  4. haha, lootlady if younare bored just quit!

  5. Yet another exploit that can only be exploited by the "big" players. Myself, and everyone I know, are just casual players. There's no way we could reach 200 gift limit. Not even close.

    This is precisely why I do not buy reward points. The uneven playing field.

  6. The reason you dont reach your 200 limit is that you dont send out gifts or you have a small number of mafia .it`s not an uneven playing field at all, its because you cant be bothered do apply yourself


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