Dec 16, 2011

The New ZMC: Pulled


For about five hours, some players got to experience the updated ZMC. By the time it took for half the community to go ballistic and for me to write a post outlining the flaws, it was pulled. Due to some errors in the back code, Eike of Team Spockholm predicted the updates would cause server problems. I don't know if they pulled it because of angry Mafia Wars players or because of stressed out servers. Most likely the latter. If you're just getting on line and missed out on all the excitement, go here for a detailed explanation with screen shots and video of the updated ZMC.
Updated ZMC
Restored ZMC

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Shouldn't the servers be running lightning quick now that no one is using them?

  2. No, not if they have moved other games onto them, there's no way that they would let them sit idle when they have new games to offer

  3. I saw the new ZMC early this morning and it seemed (fubar). It gave you an option to accept ALL gifts and send back but I was trying to accept each gift individually. When I clicked on a gift to accept, the screen when in a fast refresh/update mode and all my gifts started to open automatically and disappear from my ZMC. I accepted 2 gifts at different intervals and went from over 80 gifts in inventory to 18 left in 3 seconds. Interesting to say the least.


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