Dec 15, 2011

Gift Accepting Limit Increase: Under Consideration


Without prior notice or announcement, last night many noticed that the ZMC holding capacity was increased from 100 to 250. This was great news and most were celebrating. I quickly made a post about it before even knowing what the limit was (1). After testing, it was verified that 250 gifts could be in your ZMC at any time but the gift accepting limit remained at 200 per day. This doesn't make much sense but after outlining the problems a ZMC holding capacity of 100 causes in this post, I'll take it. Now on to the gift accepting limit. Pistol Pete has said on many episodes of the Informant Podcast that we are allowed to have 500 people in our mafia so why not let us accept 500 gifts.

It looks like there is hope. The Official Mafia Wars Blog made this post and many are feeling hopeful. This sounds better than it really is. If you read carefully, we are told they are considering increasing the limit to "match the new capacity of the ZMC". If so, the limit would only be increased by 50. This is a long ways from 500 which would "match" our game!

We've heard your feedback and increased the capacity of the ZMC from 100 to 250 items! This alleviates the issue that saw gifts 101-250 fall into a black hole if your ZMC had already reached the previous cap of 100.
We already know what you want to ask: "Will the number of gifts one can accept each day be increased to match the new capacity of the ZMC?" We are looking into that, but we first need to understand the effect that a 250-item ZMC has on the game. We appreciate your patience and understanding while we carefully make changes to improve your Mafia Wars experience.
Now that everyone’s ZMC can hold 250 gifts, can you fill your Mafia’s up?
- The Mafia Wars Team

This sounds better than it really is. If you read carefully, we are told they are considering increasing the limit to "match the new capacity of the ZMC". If so, the limit would only be increase by 50. This is a long ways from 500 which would "match" our game! The image below is what players want so hopefully it will be taken into consideration.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law

1 comment:

  1. 'Girlz Dani 'The Diabolical'December 16, 2011 at 12:57 AM

    Zynga has a new ZMC format. It groups all like gifts and tells you how many of each you have. and it has an accept all button ......YIKES
    Spockholm Gift Collector was made unfunctional.


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