Dec 30, 2011

Collector's Edition Item: Triple Threat


The Friday Collector's Edition Item is the Triple Threat. It comes with +4 attack points so it will cost you 46 reward points. This is the last Collector's Edition Item for the month of December. There are no new items in the inventory but Zynga has until Tuesday to get it done.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. i can feel the end of mw

    it may be sometime this year

  2. I agree unfortunately. Zynga will never come up with a game again, which they ruined, with an easy, interesting port of entry and progression in a game with a loyal following made more inteteresting to all by FB Groups, Clans, etc. and blogs like this one. Competition, comradarie, and the nature of the game enticed even the casual player to spend money. I'm not sure, but I bet there aren't a plethora of Farmville etc. FB sites formed by players that attracted new members.....which in turn increased game morale in people and spending by people. I can't see myself spending money on Farmville etc. let alone playing unless it has some competition and appeal to everyone. Threre are much bettet standard video games that u purchase available to build up city or nations that one can play solitary. Such games really don't lend themselves to fanitical spawning of FB groups such as MW, whoch increase the desire to succeed and keep up with your enemy or make u feel more powerfull.....and spend money to do it.


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