Nov 21, 2011

Mafia Wars App Stats Hit Record Low


Yesterday I made a post about the Kingpin Trading Market, one of Mafia Wars larger trading sites, closing their doors (1). I included the daily and monthly player stats to emphasize that killing the trading market came with consequences for Zynga
Today the numbers dropped well below 700,000. When Zynga changed the gifting system, many falsely assumed this was done to prevent players from using scripts. That isn't the reason behind the change and breaking the gift links were a side effect of the update. If you look at the comments in your news feed, any fan page or this blog, you will see many players calling it quits. The gift link issue seems to be the last straw for many players.
I think those players claiming to quit over the gift changes were serious. Looking at the application statistics for today (1), there is a drop of 60,000 in the daily player statistics.
As a whole, Zynga is doing just fine. If Mafia Wars dies, they will go on. This may be the reason Zynga never listens to the players or seems to care.
Mafia Wars is Zynga's 11th most popular application. CastleVille is now the fastest growing Facebook game of all time and soon pass Mafia Wars (1). Mafia Wars 2 is doing much better.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. when I block mafia wars I will block zynga.
    see how well they do if people have no more use for zynga

  2. Almost everyone i know that have stopped playing Mafia Wars have vowed to NEVER play another Zynga game.

    And yes , screwing up the gift links was the final straw for loads of players.

    No matter how you spin it , Zynga treats there player base like total sh%t.

  3. Shame to see a great interactive game trashed by inept misguided devo's . After a couple of years seeing the value of money spent on this App nosedive & satisfaction plummet ; I'm thinking it is time to go somewhere else !

  4. When Mafia Wars goes, I will never play another Zynga game. They could have prevented this from happening, but chose to not listen to their loyal following, and the results speak for themselves.

  5. The numbers should go up if Zynga:
    1) Slows down on event releases
    2) Brings back daily free gift(not skill point)
    3) Brings back daily free Reward Point
    4) Stop being money hungry
    5) Stop removing useful features, such as Crime Spree
    6) Stop trying to fix things that aren't broke
    7) Listen to their players
    8) Reallow gifts to be accepted via gift links generated by scripts
    9) Reduce flash usage
    10) Purchase new servers, current one are getting slower
    ............ ALOT MORE TO LIST !

  6. I quit all Zynga games, and deleted the friends. I am done with zynga and facebook apps... they will go the way of my space... just give them time. I will NEVER play another Zynga game.

  7. I have been considering quiting because when they changed it screwed uop my health stats to where I'd loose them just by going to another page, I'm dying and on hospice care but they seem more consumed that I'm being attacked. How do you loose 1800 health points just by changing pages say to the fight page or from there to hitlist. When I'm done I QUIT ALL ZYNGA GAMES. there just out for the bucks, not like there not richer than almost every one eh!

  8. I bore all the brunt by the changes made by those moron Zyngos...but the gifting stuff is the last one...I'm calling it quits...since I have finished all the districts..missions..operations everything...there is absolutely nothing left called "Life" in this game..they have fucking messed it up big time in the name of advanced / improvement...

  9. I don't know how MW2 has better rating than MW...this is silly...Zyngons have brains stuffed in the wrong end..

  10. Scott
    Daily Mafia war player. I am frustrated with Mafia War. Big Z just wants money. which I can proudly say I never spent a dime in the game. I have now started to cut dead weight from my mafia and found a big decrease in player. I will be leaving the game soon. I will retain my facebook account, but I will not play another Zynga game. If Zygna take the company public, I quit on that day. My new years resolution is to stop playing mafia war. I have one full time job and really don't need this one to be a full time job.

  11. Stop crying! Whaaa I'm gonna quit! Shame...absolute babies! Just because you can't use link a nator. Sheesh there is unlimited gifting these days, and returning gifts is as easy as accepting them. I don't see the problem. I think it's an improvement! -dioxin-

  12. Like any game, or developer, noone is perfect. It's easy to blame Zynga, but no developer is perfect. The gifting changes are facebook issues. They have wanted to get gifts off the reqs.php (requests page) for over a year now. They've finally found a way. Every game has been affected by these changes, and each game now has a different way of accepting and sending gifts. MW is not the only game affected by this change for me as for any others who play other games they to would notice the changes. As much as I'm not happy about the tiny link for gifting not working yet, my guess is that our favorite scripters will try to come up with a way that makes it easier for us to send gifts and people will settle into that until the next thing that drives them crazy enough to quit. I'll be a MW player until it's end. I simply love the game far more than the little bugs found in it.

  13. I have stuck with Mafia Wars because of years of character development, time spent, & friends made. No doubt I have blocked all other zynga games, & grow ill even seeing them advertised within the mafia home page. The units they are tracking within Mafia Wars 2 have absolutely NOTHING to do with dollars spent, only a measure to try & attract advertisers to a busy interface. Problem is, they will be advertising to children, because the feed back I have received indicates toddlers through young teens find the game appealing, anyone with a developed mind, or funds to actually SPEND money on their advertisers' sites will not be playing such a ridiculous game. Within the population of zynga fans, I have estimated there are about 1 happy user out of 25 users with zynga & their performance. Their demise is inevitable.

  14. I am in until MW ends or becomes totally unplayable. I will not play another Zynga game as I don't see the point AND believe eventually the other games will receive the exact same treatment.

  15. @ Andrea, you're a true player of the game. I respect your post and looking past the small imperfections of the game! Wish there were more like you around... -dioxin-

  16. For the people who claimed to have quit, why follow MW blogs then? While I do see people going away from MW, not like everyone is jumping ship. There are more and more who aren't using mini accounts either. I play daily, all day on days off. Then when I get home and before I go, I love it still even with the faster releases. I played since the beginning of MW and remember being bored and people crying about that. No matter what, people will cry and complain. It's in most peoples nature. With the recent gifting, part of the problem is people do use mini's to send gifts, then the looter accounts are becoming obsolete with trading markets being shut down. Some people also are getting worked up about it being too much...maybe not be in a family then if in a family? It's not for everyone for sure. Missions, were designed for those who completed ALL their cities. The problem isn't just the developers, it's the people who play being OCD. If you don't play hardcore, it isn't worth stressing if you miss something. I have people in my own group who freak out about the new property parts, who cares as long as you make it to level 7. You still get the last item and for most, the item itself is useless, it's about the skill points. Still shocked though that people actually like MW2, too me it's cheesy as can be. Oh well.

  17. Why do people playing a free game piss and moan the loudest.....just saying

  18. Mafia Wars is my last Zynga game, and it if goes I'm done with Zynga.

    I know I will never touch them again. I quit Farmville and Frontierville because of the spam a lot model.

  19. I haven't quit yet, and probably won't until it's over - but this is the ONLY Zynga game I'm interested in because of its format - primarily text based, and as fast or slow as I want to play it. I play to relax, and every other game of Zynga's seems to be designed for the kiddies with far too many cartoony graphics and stuff moving around and changing all of the time to be of any real interest to me.

  20. Agree with the post above, played some of the other games temporarily, but gave up, flash killed the game play. Mw isnt as cpu hungry as other Zynga games.

    Agree, you pay for what you get, there are several other morp or similar games online for a monthly sub, I imagine the support is better.
    I hope that the core of the players will continue to play, keeping it above the 500k level, then it will keep playing, once the 250k daily player, how long before the Zynga Customer service team are diverted away and then game is left to its own implosion,

  21. The new health and fight module made things worse for me... I like the old fight module better.. I use to ice a lot more (2x-3x more) and while I've gotten stronger by as much as 10 folds.
    Ill agree with "dioxin" the gift thing is not an issue for me, Im sending and receiving more than before and its only one click to resend..
    BASICALLY, there are MANY reasons why MW has lost players, just ask your retired players ...There is no one reason as to "why"..
    BUT, we will all agree the technical and bug issues are a DRAG, and is "probably" why so many have stopped playing.. ALSO, the DRAMA of dealing with some players is a huge factor as well......IMHO...
    btw: I'VE NEVER WANTED TO THROW or HIT a computer, until I started playing online games ie: ZYNGA ......That spinning revolver MoF&^%$$#@!!!!!!!!!!
    YOU MoFo's!! ::lol::


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