Nov 16, 2011

I Will Stop My Boss Fight At Rage 250!


I've made several posts about the Family Boss Fights. One thing that some players are having trouble with is understanding that the Rage Meter is not personalized. The Rage Meter you see is the same one that all of your family members see as well. If you jack it up to 1,000, the entire family will have a Rage Meter of 1,000. Fighting the Family Boss with a high rage meter is a waste of resources because the damage done by each attack is reduced. It's like spinning your wheels and not going anywhere. The image below show the reduction in damage for each of the 4 levels of the Rage Meter.
Once the damage is done, it will remain at 1,000 until someone receives and uses a Arsonist Boost. Sometimes you need to wait for this to happen. Continuing to attack is not the answer. Many families are having trouble to get all members to follow the rules of the Rage Meter. When you are attacking and move the Rage Meter above 250, you need to stop and wait until you get an Arsonist Boost or until the meter goes down. It's not always easy to do. When you are in the mood to bang on the Family Boss, that's what you want to do. Stopping isn't fun and some players may think nobody will notice. Somebody will and they will proceed to make a post about it. Finding the person who jacked up the Rage Meter often causes drama in the family. The following image was posted on my families wall by Frank Schmitz. I got a kick out of it and now find myself repeating this phrase when I want to keep fighting. I figured other families could use this image.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Great post, Jennifer...long overdue. I hope you're enjoying your vacation!

    ~ Frank

  2. Fantastic post! despaired to reiterate...

  3. I agree 100% I'm curious to know what your thoughts on the selection of 'Bruiser' vs 'Arsonist' & Racketeer?

  4. Now if I can only get everyone in the group that I'm in to read this... Thank You

  5. not such a pretty faceNovember 16, 2011 at 6:53 PM

    if you dont have 60-70 active in your boss fight at anyone time then a ratio of between 2-2.7 blue boosts: 1 orange boost with setting of 5 and 500 on the rage scale will yield better and faster results. of course it requires manual clickers to stop over clicking ;-).
    P.S. your over clicker in ASS is pretty face just ask his old clan ;-) and you never choose red boost as it yields the least rewards of all.

  6. Posted it on our family wall , someone jacked both bosses to a 1000

  7. OMG...
    i nearly choked from laughing, now my face hurts from it.
    too wise and way too funny for the real world!
    thank you SO much for this post jen! i bet that gets shared thru a LOT of family walls... :-D

  8. Who cares? Boss fights are a general waste of resources anyway. Use your consumables and don't worry about the points since you get the rewards whether you beat the boss before the clock counts down or not.

  9. I use Boss fight to get 3xp for 1 stamina when I want to level, since you get the same reward whether you beat the boss or not what does it matter? You get the same experience no matter what the rage meter says

  10. I Play till it gets to 200 or Less . But I try to keep it as low as i can .

  11. If your family is anything like mine (and I'll grant that it might not be), the fault doesn't lie with those who keep playing when rage goes over 250 as much as it does players who don't visit the fight often enough to use their rage buffs, or at least ask for a buff so I can use mine. I usually have 5/5 rage or health buffs on hand and no way to contribute them to the effort. Even if you think boss fights are a waste of time, it only takes a half minute to drop by and use your (free) buffs to help the rest of your family.

  12. i think the best way to attack a family boss fight is have everyone in the family be a racketeer. that way hopefully you will always have a buff ready to use and you will always get the 3:1 xp ratio.

  13. the best place to look for tips is here! thx Jen!

  14. "I use Boss fight to get 3xp for 1 stamina when I want to level, since you get the same reward whether you beat the boss or not what does it matter? You get the same experience no matter what the rage meter says"

    YOU get the same experience while screwing over the rest of your family who actually want to participate in the boss fight to get the loot. Your family who then have to waste all their buffs to clean up YOUR mess. Selfish.

    1. the loot? lel amazing loot get you more useful stuff and all the real events grant more powerful items...3xp for 1stam? cant tell if thats better then the xp for fighting, i guess its a yes, but to fight gets you loot too and FP xp for both fam + yourself...whats the boss for? to catch some random items for some random useless consumables after everything is done...

  15. We take our bosses out several times a day when we work as a group. I have about 8K to 10K stamina extra I donate daily once I have my family event items taken care of.

    Dont be selfish and head to the 250 rule! Use the boss fighter and it will do it automatically for you.

  16. family must work together those that dont care how hi the rage is are screwing it up for the rest of the family!!!!

  17. I am so glad I read this post so that I can refer all members to it and they can see for themselves what a waste it is to go over 250. When your the only one fighting it's hard to make yourself stop when you want to fight but without the buffs it makes no sense to just whack away and waste yourself for nothing. How do I get a copy of that posting to put on my wall? Thanks for all the time and hard work you put into this site. I visit every day-more than once

  18. Brilliant!! About Time !

  19. Anonymous said: "i think the best way to attack a family boss fight is have everyone in the family be a racketeer. that way hopefully you will always have a buff ready to use and you will always get the 3:1 xp ratio."

    The key to success in Mafia Wars has always been to use your resources efficiently. With the introduction of Families, Z gave us the opportunity to work together, and grow stronger as a group. In order for that to work, efficient use of FAMILY resources sometimes requires a small personal sacrifice..for example, not being able to get the 3 exp/stam because it would push the rage beyond reasonable limits. In most families, players who do not understand this will most likely wind up looking for a new family. If everyone in the family chose Racketeer, You would never be able to kill the boss because all would soon have such high fatigue that they would be doing no damage.

    In together as a team, and the family thrives. Be selfish, and the whole family suffers until they figure out who needs to be removed.

  20. A lot of people don't realize that the point at which the rage buff kicks in is dependent on the amount of damage that you do. The more damage, the higher the boss' rage has to be before a rage buff will be consumed. For me that happens at around 305. For a couple of people in my clan, it is over 400. If we stop the boss fight when the rage hits 250, then we may as well not do boss fights.

    Rather than stop fighting when the rage hits 250, my rule is that I will always leave rage under 250 when I have finished. If I drive it up to 295 for 3 seconds or so, then so what. Just don't leave it there.

    Oh & finally, if someone in my clan wants to spend 10k stamina at a time on a boss fight and if at the end the rage is over 250, I'll deal with it & give rage debuffs to bring it down when he is done.

  21. How about a new update article to keep rage under 125 for the 200+ loot items including what is a good strategy to get those, Bruiser, Arsonist, Racketeer ratios.

  22. Does rage have anything to do with the quality of the weapons that are dropped if so what and where can i find documentation of this.

  23. A good ratio is 2 or 3 racketeers to 1 arsonist, with zero bruisers. If a person keeps picking Bruiser, even after you tell them not to, kick them from your family from stupidity.

    You get more damage per hit with rage kept low, and more attacks with fatigue get low, than you could ever hope to get from using Bruiser.

    For those talking about their damage being higher than 250, that's entirely your doing from having obscenely high combat values - if Rage is greater than the damage done, a reduction triggers (equal or less does not trigger).

    Most weapons go off considerably LESS than your stamina attacks, so you should be able to trigger rage reduction under 250 with a weapon (especially the fist, which seems to do the least damage). IF your whole family is so obscenely overpowered that all single weapons do over 150, consider adding one member that does less than 250 and have them be there to administer rage reducers fed to them by the others. After all, the most broken rule in all of MW and FB in general is the second account - surely one of you has an energy account sitting around with negligible attack points.

    Both my old family and new one keep a chat channel open between active players, and it's amazing just how quick these bosses drop with minimum resource expenditure if you get 6 people working together, with each person assigned support roles (example 4 racketeers and 2 arsonists - each racketeer sends 1 fatigue reducer to each other person, on set scheduling/requesting, and each arsonist does the same with the rage reducers).


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