Nov 11, 2011

Harry & Kumar Event Expires..Wafflebots Coming Soon


The Harold & Kumar Bake Sale Event has officially expired. If you have 5 Christmas Cupcakes and 5 Brownies, you should receive 5 Wafflebots once Zynga determines a winner.
These types of events always cause a panic once they are over. Zynga likes to make a production of choosing a winner and they usually take their time. Nobody should freak out just yet if they don't have any Wafflebots. Give Zynga the time they need before going postal on Customer Support or any fan pages.
The Harry and Kumar boosts are still in the inventory.
It says they will expire if they aren't used by Nov. 11th.
I found mine are still working even though the expiration date is here. If you have any left, I would use them or they will probably be taken.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I used up all of my Kumars, but how do I get the Harolds to be used?

  2. Why does it take him so long?

  3. The wafflebots are being awarded now.

  4. There is a serious problem with the wafflebots, I only got 3 and complained to Zynga nad it turns out it's because I gifted out my cupcakes after I collected them all. It didn't say anywhere that we had to keep a hold of them. Not happy :-(

  5. First off Lootlady rock! Your blog is awesome and always informative. Thank you for taking the time to share with fellow MW gamers.
    I do not know if it effected others but the Gold Mystery Bag had a bug also. The ones that gave +5 Energy Points did NOT give the player the points. I collected 2x the +5 energy and both times I did not get the energy points. Other Gold Bags that gave attack or defense points did work for me ....just the +energy one did not.


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