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Nov 3, 2011

Botanical Gardens: Pulled


The Botanical Gardens which was released today at 12pm PDT was pulled and won't be back until early December. To read all the details about what Zynga is calling a accident go to the Official Mafia Wars Blog. Any progress you already made will be carried over so there is nothing to freak out about. What's most unsettling about this their post is that there will be a different one next week. Honestly, this Botanical Gardens has been in the back code for so long, why can't they just push it out? Now we have two more properties to worry about upgrading. These are bad for the game as new players can't build them. Would you continue to play a game if you saw there were 200 properties you had no way to upgrade?

Stay tuned for a different limited-time-to-request-upgrade-parts New York City property releasing next week!
Botanical Garden

Kelly Wilson was able to capture an image of the "new timer" right before the property was pulled. For a very short time, the timer showed that there were 41 days to upgrade to Level 10.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. "any progress you may have made in the approximately 2 hours it was available today will already be in place" - cool, at least we get a little head start when it does come out (again!)

  2. Well, now you can see what I was talking about... that bottom row is just sitting there empty, waiting for five more properties. I guarantee that the spam-loving Zynga will bring 'em on....

  3. I made little progress since I have the bug that won't even generate a post to ask for parts. At least I got 20 RP from them and a promise they would have the problem fixed soon.

  4. do these people know anything except begging? I'm so damn sick of it!!!!

  5. i think this was just a test from zynga to see how fast people could upgrade them, surely they know themselves the amount of parts you can generate without paying rp and with out cheating in anyway, they pull it after 2 hours and some had already managed to make it to level ten..expect comebacks from this..

  6. If anyone made it to lvl 10, I doubt it was a cheat, just deep pockets...lol..confused the crap out of me...lvl 2 here...


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