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Oct 8, 2011

This & Next Week 10/7/2011


The Official Mafia Wars Blog has finally posted another installment of This & Next Week. We already know what happened "This" week and not all of it is listed. The "Bug Fixes" and "Next Week" all include information already posted on this blog. The only thing we learn from this post is that the name of the next Secret District is Leticia, Colombia (but it's in Brazil) and the new Mission is called La Casa Grande. A reprint is found below.

Released This Week
Daily Take Update
Receive new rewards for each day in a row you play, and share the rest with your Mafia!
Mission Event: You Iced My Father...
Track down "Noneck" with Joe Castellano's help and earn the Turnstyle (158/87).
New NYC Property: Martial Arts Dojo
You have until 12:00 pm PDT on Thursday, October 20th, (2 weeks!) to upgrade this new NYC property to its maximum potential through feeds/requests.
Family Boss Fight: Clyde Axworthy
Clyde Axworthy is axing himself if your family is a threat. It's time to cut him down to size!
Mafia Wars 3rd Anniversary 60% Off RP Sale
Sale runs until 11:59pm PDT tonight, October 7th.
Mafia Wars 3rd Anniversary Marketplace Sale
Sale runs until 11:59pm PDT on Monday, October 10th.

This Week's Major Bug Fixes
We are pleased to announce that we're nearly done performing a major overhaul of the Bugs & Support forum, where we will be providing the latest updates on known issues, fixed bugs, & solutions in development! This is also where you can report a bug and help us determine its cause to assist in its resolution.

Coming Next Week*
*As far as currently scheduled, but things can change.
Secret District: Leticia, Colombia
Uncover the secrets of this jungle hideaway!
Mission Event: La Casa Grande
Imagine getting thrown in the big house. Now imagine getting thrown in the big house in Brazil! Escape to earn the Jaguarundi (87/159).

Comments are moderated and won't appear right away. For faster feedback to your questions, comment on the Fan Page referenced below.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I think it is SO funny that their major bug fix was to fix the forum in which bugs are reported.... Why not put a little more effort into the actual bugs themselves?!

  2. wait, you didn't do your usual "translations"? I am confused and I don't understand zynga-ish, I need those translations!!!...the only thing I understood was the "this week's major bug fixes" and I translated it roughly to "we don't give a rats ass about the bugs, all our coders are already working on on mafia wars 2, and besides high stakes players (the only ones we really care about) buy everything which doesn't work with RPs so we couldn't care less if some features don't work for free"....

  3. @anonymous above, sorry I was tired and don't have a lot of time this weekend. Since the "Next Week" portion was lame and there wasn't anything funny I could think of to say about a new Mission and Secret District, I decided to skip the translations. Maybe next time :)

  4. Let me translate it,.... Zynga wants to and needs to and has to screw us all again. I am so sick of their lies. I can hardly play any more due to their developers at work. But, I am hooked so I will return day after day and believe their lies jut like the 7 years in tribulation coming near a country near you.


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