Oct 8, 2011

New Family Battle Rewards


On the last Episode of the Informant Podcast we discussed the Family Battle feature. Pete gave some new insight into how the scoring is calculated and we all agreed that the feature is not utilized because there aren't any rewards.

It's a good thing that Zynga listens to our show. We now get loot item rewards for the Family Battles. You will the Family Bottle Module got a make over. It does say "For a limited time, earn rewards for every battle!". Maybe they are trying to get more players to participate. It would help if they explained this feature and fixed all the bugs associated with it.
If you go to your Family Battle Page, you will now be able to collect a reward item for the last 5 battles your family has participated in. It doesn't matter if you won, lost or even participated. A "collect" button has been added to the results popup. It appears that all members of the family get a reward item even if they never joined the fight.
To grab your loot from the last 5 battles, scroll to the results section of the Family Battle page and look for the "Collect" buttons. You can see below that you get a loot item regardless of the battle outcome or length. A strategic plan would be to do 1 hour battles since there is nothing extra gained from 4 hour battles.
As of right now, all members in the family get a reward even if they never joined or participated in the battle. I got a superior item in the one battle that I made the leaderboard. The rest were from the rare and uncommon Family Boss Fight categories.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Not seeing this Collect button anywhere....

  2. I'm not seeing a Collect button for our family's last 4 battles either...

  3. I'm not seeing the Collect button on my family's last 4 battles either...

  4. Had a Collect button on the last 3 battles we did, but not the two prior to that.

  5. neither am I - and how much loot is collected. Family Boss fight kind of languished till they made it 4 loot items and it finally took off. Take the Hint ZYNGA and make the family fight worth winning

  6. It looks like it's all boss fight loot anyway, so just participate in boss fights and you'll get the same loot.

  7. I agree with Andrea its all boss fight items at least the boss fight gives you 4 loot items should be better loot for the winners of the family battle it takes alot of stamina and energy in the fight for little loot come on ZYNGA dont be so stingy hehehehehe

  8. My family only collected from 3 out of 5 as well..

  9. I received 2 collects. Both were from Family Boss fights that I participated in.

  10. Can you score with every attack not counting ices?


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