Oct 15, 2011

Chicago Warehouse Items in Las Vegas


A while back, Pat Marsh posted the following image on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page. If you look closely, you will see that a Boby Grand dropped from a job in Las Vegas. The Boby Grand is a vehicle which you can purchase from your Chicago Warehouse or receive as a gift from your mafia members.
Today, Sam Shepard found a Smoking Jacket in Las Vegas.
If you notice on both of these images it states that the items "was used to build and upgrade the Armory". The grammar and description are wrong and this has been going on since April (1).
I wanted to see if I could reproduce the drops above and get a drop rate so I did a small run in Las Vegas with my energy account. I spent 49,665 energy and dropped 2 Chicago Warehouse items.
This would be a hell of a lot cooler and newsworthy if the Chicago Warehouse items were useful. The only time I ever bother to purchase these items is when it's required for a Mission. You would think a new property would offer loot items that players can use.
The only thing these items will do for you is waste your time and your Clams if you choose to purchase them.

Thanks to Pat and Sam for posting about this.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. It gets rather tiring reading that you consider certain loot useless. The reality is that isn't the case for the majority of players. When will you realize that?

  2. @Anonymous - sure, some players may help these items. But you can only get one per day, and you can easily get better and much more items with fighting. Plus, now that all loot up to 85 is giftable, it is easy to get goot loot items in quantities of 501.
    Of course these are up to 96 I think, but they are really rare.


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