Oct 21, 2011

Assassin-a-Nator Family Progression Ice Tracker


It's kind o a pain to constantly check where you are on your ices for Family Progression. If you don't do 150 ices in one run, it's hard to know without checking the Missions Bar.
The Assassin-a-Nator was updated to include a Family Progression tracker. You can find it next to your ice total. It is the numbers in the green brackets and will list your total ices regardless of how many sessions you run or manual ices you get. The second number is how many ices you need to move to the next level. You do need to collect on each level for the tracker to move on.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. On the Family Activity page, you can see how everyone in the family is doing...you can see exactly how far everyone is on their daily mission. There is one local tab for "Helper" (100 points), "Jobs" (10000), "Ices" (150) and for "Property" (60).
    Just simple math (subtraction) is needed to see how many more is needed! ...but then again, it doesn't hurt to get the meter in the Assassin-a -Nator! :)

  2. Once again, Spockholm gives us something that Zynga won't. I've been suggesting to Zynga that they need something like this one the family progress bar since it came out. I guess I need to give up on proper channels and just start making my suggestions to Spockholm instead.

    I don't know about your clan, Fremdis, but my Family Activity page only shows the top 10 in each category, not the whole clan.


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