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Sep 19, 2011

Sneak Preview of Family Badges


We were told via the Customer Support Family Battles Page that the icons on the Family Battle page are Mastery Badges and there are a total of 15 levels.

Q: What is the Family icon and what does it mean?
A: Mastery Badges are awarded to Families at each mastery level. Every Family will start at level 1.

Q: What is the maximum mastery level that can be earned?
A: Initially there are 15 mastery levels/badges that a Family can earn. This number may be increased over the lifetime of this feature.

The Badges appear on your Family Battle Page
TOKO of the Mafia Wars Collectors found the Mastery Badge images for all 15 levels. They are all listed below.


We are still trying to figure out the Family Battles feature as Zynga failed to explain to us how the scoring system works. Not enough time has gone by to figure out a pattern. I do know thanks to many families who have sent me their results that the percentage of mastery for winning a battle is different for all families. The Assassin-a-Nators won a 4 hour Family Battle and got 12.5% Mastery. The Mafia Wars Gods and [EFC] got 6.25% and RYfG got 18.75%. I'm not sure if the percentage of mastery is determined by variables in the total score, something related to the family or something related to the family you are battling against.  Zynga told us what we get points for (ices, kills and safehouse attacks) but didn't  properly explain how the mastery each family earns is calculated. Since is the only reward you get for participating in a battle, I think it's important they explain it to us. Knowing this information will enable families to formulate a strategy to optimize the amount of mastery you are given for each battle. Here is all the Customer Support document referenced above had to say about this topic.

Q: How is the progress for our Family Battle measured?
A: The mastery bar is increased for each Family after each Battle that has been engaged. Wins will result in higher mastery, however, the Family will still earn some mastery even if they incur a loss.

The Assassin-a-Nators have won two battles so far, each one had a different score, different timer and was fought against a different family but the percentage of mastery (12.5%) was the same for both fights. If this is true for all families then it gaining mastery will be much faster if you only do 4 Hour Battles.

4 Hour Battle
48 Hour Battle

I will post more information about finding and requesting battles tomorrow.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. We did a 4hour war also, and got that 12,5% mastery.

    But this was probably the last war we played, because in the current format, it was boring as hell.


  2. My Family won a 48 hour battle and got 12.50% mastery too.

  3. Sorry, but my feedback of this change at the momentn is that it's absolutely F%#&ED. I refill my health and given the ping time to Australia, before I have even had a chance to participate in a single fight my heelth is at zero.

    I'm either going back to Vegas to use my stamina there or will have to resort to robbing.

    And no, I'm not a stamina player... my attack is over 5,500, about the same as my stamina, so I'm fairly balanced.

  4. 48 hours war gave us 6.25% Mastered :\

  5. my Family has been in 5 battles (all 4 hours) and won them all but the mastery has been variable for us -- so the other family has a role in the mastery awarded is my assumption.
    we battled 2 lesser familys to start with - first was 12.5% next was a lower rate though I do not recall it now. In both cases after about 60 ices the other family went dead and we beat the safehouse down to nothing

  6. Has Toko come up with any new possible Fight Loot from the Family Battles ? has anybody got a whiff of any new items from Inventory history or the servers ? If the individual rewards are going to be pathetic, quite a few families might just not be arsed to do a Battle.

  7. My family has completed it twice. Both times a blowout win. We only received 6.25% for each win. Ho Hum... I say we boycott the whole thing. It's not all that fun when the other side doesn't play.

  8. Other than the badges, is there any other perk, prize or advantage to either myself or the family for competing in this?

  9. We just won a 48 hour war, approx 500,000 to 40,000 and only got 6.25%.

  10. We won a 4 hour that we challenged and got 6.25.

    Then we were challenged and we won by a final score of 1,026,039 to 6000 and again only got the 6.25 in a 48 hour bore fest

  11. Lost first 58k to 121k and got 1.25% (48h).
    Won the second 1,166k to 6k and got 6.25% (again 48h).

    What a waste of time...


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