Sep 9, 2011

Sneak Peek At Chicago


The Official Mafia Wars Blog has posted something official about Chicago. It's not much to go on but at least they are admitting that Chicago is the next destination. Maybe that's why they called it a Sneak "Peak" instead of a Sneak Peek. It's is titled #1 so I guess we can expect to see more. With so much going on in the game, this should scare rather than excite players. How much time do they think we have to play this game? Quitting seems like the most viable option. Anyways here is the image and brief cheesy description of what to expect.
Mafia Wars: Chicago - Concept Art #1
All this corruption and jockeying for power sure makes a town a little rough ‘round the edges. Guess it’s true what they say; you can’t ever really go home again. But if you can’t beat’em, join ‘em.

Leonard Wong found a better Sneek "Peak" in the Zynga servers. Here is what the Game Header will look like. You can find this image by going to the server link. I'm over it and could care less.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. hope it uses ny cash , and not Chicago money

  2. will the new currency be Deep Dish Pizza Dollars or Oprah Dollars?

  3. I agree with you Jennifer, the game is no longer fun. Too buggy, too many popups, too many 'events'. I really enjoy your blog and hope you continue it. I will say this, if you leave the game and quit blogging, I'm gone with you.

  4. I agree as well.. There are too many things, Zynga has to realize that we need a break before they slams the next event, city, mission, whatever down on us.. Hopefully it'll be a few or more weeks before they launch this new city.

    George I totally agree with your comment about the pop-up's in the game, which I why I wrote some Adblock+ filters (Firefox & Chrome compatible) a long time ago. :-) If you use any of the above mentioned browsers, or other AdBlock+ compatible browser, you are most definitely going to like my ABP filters :-)



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