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Sep 18, 2011

Raid The Speakeasy


A few days ago, I saw this one time on the Home Page Ad Module. I haven't seen it since then but I wouldn't be surprised if they lavished us with another lame Marketplace sale or promotion. The sales they offer usually suck. The only one I remember that was good was when stamina and energy refills were available for 5 Reward Points for a span of 3 days.  I also wonder what happened to this ad. I sure hope they pulled it because they are planning to delay the release of Chicago. Rumor has it that is should be sometime next week but I'm hoping they will fix all the bugs and get all the other features in the game working before dumping a new destination on us.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. "but I'm hoping they will fix all the bugs and get all the other features in the game working before dumping a new destination on us"

    I agree. You should list all the bugs and ask them fix them with a satisfaction post!

  2. lame is the best word too describe mafia!


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