Sep 9, 2011

New Brazil Mission and Secret District Loot Items


We know that when Cuba closes we will be getting a new Mission based in Brazil called Lead To Gold and another Secret District called Eldarado. The loot items have all been added to our inventory. If you maxed out on Cuba loot, nothing that drops during jobs will help you. If the ratios suck, you can get in and get out.

Grand Prize Mission Item
Secret District Consumable Item
Secret District Job Loot Items
 Secret District Mastery Item

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. so we get a secret district again with job loot that doesn't even compare to the quality of loot currently in Cuba...

  2. Seems odd again, Zynga giving such high loot items on 10 energy jobs in Cuba that allows you to easily max out on those, YET ruining the game (or at least making it boring) as all other even to come loot gets nearly useless... Why besides for the few skillpoints in the new secret district spending 500+ energy a job for a chance to gain a useless item... Same for the crappy sports bar, spending lts of time to upgrade, but upgrade for nothing :/

  3. Yes, they made Brazil up to be this high level player destination, where it was going to take players thousands of energy points to get high level loot, introducing the special Ruby loot (which barely dropped) and Secret Regions and then all of this is made obsolete with Cuba and its ridiculously high drop rates of 100stat loot. I'm thinking there is no real plan or concept at Zynga, they just go one event at a time without considering whether it actually fits with any kind of overall concept.

  4. At least the sports bar gives you +3 attack or defense at the upper levels.

  5. Agree with Rapax, the Brazil jobs are way too high on energy..

  6. Rapax dear i agree with you.

  7. Nothing that dropped in Smuggler's haven increased my att/def at all, with the exception of the Silver, Gold, and Ruby Mission Complete Rewards.

    I don't expect the new one to be any different...

  8. must I buy the new thing with cash?;)

  9. I would agree on the lack of a plan, seems they have a group in that corner working and a different group in this corner and no one has a real over all picture of what they want to do. Frankly the game has become boring, cumbersome and to much a chore to want to do any more.

  10. Zynga knockers..
    Shall we tell Zynga to turn the game off and they all lose their jobs. No! I thought Not !
    ANSWER....lets put up with it and think there may be another CUBAN windfall.
    If Zynga makes it hard we moan if its easy we moan. LAY OFF !
    Its a game.

  11. How do you know if you've maxed out on Cuba loot?

  12. Someone said "EASILY" max out? They obviously do not know about some of us who at best get a .001 % drop rate on an every day basis. All I can say is Zynga does not know what the word random means.

  13. yes you easily maxx out. even if the drop rate is 1 per 20 clicks, considered this being on a 10 energy job compared to a 710 job in brazil with 1/15 it is a laugh. they turned the game upside down with the cuba reopening. best items should be hardest to get - that was the idea behind MW BEFORE cuba ruby.


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