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Sep 28, 2011

50% Off Reward Points & Marketplace Item Sale


Zynga really wants us to buy and spend Reward Points. Some players got tricked out 3 Year Anniversary popups that included a 50% off Reward Points offer.
I got the standard discount popup but it was for 50% off.
There is also up to 40% off item sale in the Marketplace.
Things that may tempt you are Energy and Stamina Refills for 7 Reward Points.
The Henchmen are available for 9 Reward Points each. If you need to even out to get more Cocktail Waitresses, this is a pretty good deal.
One thing you rarely see on sale are Skill Points and you can now get 4 for 10 Reward Points. Depending on what items you craft from your New York buildable properties, it's probably cheaper to spend 12 Reward Points to speed up your Crafting Timers. This will always be the most strategic way to spend your Reward Points.
The cool Meme Crates are now available at a cost of 1 for 8 Reward Points or 3 for 21.
I'm such a sucker for those and I couldn't resist even though I know it's not very wise to buy loot items from the Marketplace. I don't know why I ever buy these things because I never get rare items. At least I got 2 Henchmen out of the deal.
If you really want to waste Reward Points or have faith in Zynga, Sniper Shots are 40% off. Maybe the Raven will return someday.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. if you could combine the two and get 40% off the 50% reduced cost, I'd consider purchasing RP. but until that day that hell freezes over, I will take my game free.

  2. The Raven - I complained to support because I didn't get the "10" achievement in time and they claim he's still active! I haven't seen him AT ALL since they introduced the new bosses, 10's of thousands of ice's later.


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