Aug 21, 2011

Weekly Timer: FUBAR #2


Zynga just can't get this weekly timer under control. It was two days late when first implemented and this is the second week in a row that it didn't reset when it was suppose to.  The good news is you can still work on the objectives from last week.  The bad news is players who want to get started on next week can't.
I hope those who claim the weekly timer is better can now see that it's not. All it takes is one little thing to go wrong and you are already behind in Family Progression. Please go here and "Like" this thread. The Weekly Timer must die!!!!
For those who asked me last time what FUBAR means, go here to find out.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I am CST and my timer resets at 2am .. have been lucky i guess as it resets on time every day

  2. I assume you must be referring to me when you talk about the supporters of weekly timer @ . I can tell you that we (we are now 7 in family and far from everyone put their behinds up to get the promotion ahead) still made it to perk #2 today!

  3. @Sarah, it's because you have the daily timer which resets everyday at 12am PDT. Zynga gave weekly timers to the second round of Families and they are are going to change one group or the other so that we all have the same timer. We are all nerfed if we get the weekly. The daily is much better for the players. Please like the Get Satisfaction thread and hope they give us all the daily timer.

  4. @Fremdis, nope this was the first I've seen of this thread. The weekly timer has too much potential to lose exp. With a family of 7, if something goes wrong and one player doesn't get their exp, it will be noticed. Maybe it hasn't happened to you yet but it will take you much longer to advance then if you were on a daily timer. In larger families there is even more potential as not everyone will pace out the required tasks and many will come up short before the timer runs out. With the daily timer, if and when that happens, the family only loses a days worth of exp, not a week.

  5. im just getting upset with how they apparently "fixed" the issue with the timer only to have it happen again...

    maybe they need to stop giving their devs luxuries while on the job as it seems to impede on their job performance... or they can hire someone to double check all their work and make sure they dont screw up as bad as they have as of recent!

  6. i commented on your original post about this issue that the bug in the weekly timer is simply a display glitch and you still get the 7 days. the timer will reset in a little over 2 hours (12am pdt) even though it looks screwed up. when it does reset it will probably read 6 days again just like the last 2 times. i doubt zynga will bother to fix this until after they've decided which timer they're going with.

  7. A petition won't do much good with Zynga - they have the 2 versions still on the platforms and haven't decided yet.

    I for one am 100% convinced the weekly will be rolled out for EVERYONE when players that are on the weekly timer now KEEP SPENDING REWARD POINTS to get their gold stars ASAP

    I'm sorry, even in my own family I see people that collect their 3 stars on every discipline within 8 hours. You cannot do that w/out using RW points. (properties?)
    Even within 24 hours you cannot, not even within 72 you can get the properties gold star.

    And that is all that counts for Zynga, if I was their marketing/product manager? I'd know exactly which one I'd chose, the version that gives my product the most $$$$

    so everyone STOP enabling them! Stop playing their buying game, stop spending RW points NOW

  8. I CURSED myself and my family... we still have daily... but when our timer reset tonight... the objectives did not :(


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