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Aug 12, 2011

Red and Blue Mystery Bags Refresh


In addition to the new collection called The Trap, Red and Blue Mystery Bags have gotten a "refresh". This means new items. The same old rare character building items, unneeded Construction Parts and crappy boosts haven't changed and we still will see those. They replaced the random loot items that were dropping with slightly better random loot items that won't help all players. They also threw in the new collection items. The Trap Collection is located in your inventory and you can view it by using the "Collections & Vaults Tab" and selecting the "Special" Collections.
It's the 8th one down so you gotta scroll a little bit.
Here is a breakdown of which bags each collection piece will drop from. These are based off player comments and have't been verified. If they drop the same as the Super Hero Collection then you can get one from each type of bag every 24 hours.

Collection Item
Drops In Red Mystery Bag
Drops In Blue Mystery Bag
Lobster Trap
Mouse Trap
Punji Stake Pit
Spring Snare
Steel-Jaw Trap
Drop Net

You will also get It's A Trap Collection items from Day 5 of the Daily Take. Now that's something to look forward to.
I had a chance to open a hundred or so Mystery Bags and reviewed the fan page to see what other players were getting. Here are all of the verified new Mystery Bag loot items.  The stats are much better than the old items but will still be useless to many players. None of them are new and they come from old Marketplace items and Crates. This has got to make the players who spent money on these feel great!  There could be more items so please comment if you get something not listed.

Red Mystery Bags
Blue Mystery Bags

Thanks to Kev Ger for the Daily Take screen shot.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. it would have been nice if, when they put new loot in the bag, they would have put in something that we can actually use! The highesst is 77 for the mirage- don't use it- thanks, Zynga! Oh, well, I suppose that would be asking too much of the Zynganerds!

  2. i got drop net from daily take

  3. This is only my observations: I think it is best to put a new loot items in the red or blue bag, a fair and equal chance to all players, that is beneficial to all.. for all of us players with lowest loot of 80att/def, it is useless.. so where is the fair and equality?


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