Aug 17, 2011

Power Packs


UPDATE:  Go here for more details on Power Packs.

There is some great news to report. Stamina Packs have now become Power Packs and they are here to stay. You can get 5 of them right off the bat form your Home Page Module.
They will appear under your Energy Packs. You can hold up to 10 at a time.
For more information, click on the help mark from the Home Page.

Use Power Packs to stay in the fight!
Power Packs can be used to recover Health or Stamina. They can be used to gain 125% Stamina every 8 hours, or 200% Health every 10 minutes, and you can store up to 10 at a time. Get some from your friends!
You will notice Stamina Packs have been removed from the Free Gift Page. If you don't have Power Packs yet just be patient. There has been a 50% roll out so far.
Once you account has access to Power Packs, you will see them on the Free Gift Page. I haven't had a change to test them out so expect more information in a future post.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. every 10 mins???? don't they mean every 10 hours?

  2. They removed the timer!! What do I do now if I forget to check the box in spockholms checklist? :P

  3. Chris "[MIG] noobasaurus"August 17, 2011 at 5:27 PM

    I know what the kicker is going to be... You will only be able to accept 5 a day or something ridiculous. If i use these to heal, I'm gonna use them up in a flash. well, 100 minutes. so i really hope you can just accept as many as you want when you're under 10 and not be limited to a certain number per day.

  4. Used one, timer shows 8 hours before I can use another. Worst part is that it didn't give me any choice - I got Stamina when I needed energy, so just wasted most of a full load of Stamina.

  5. does that mean that the hospital is going to disappear? if so thats so stupid,, They want us to ice,,, And what about the only use for all the cash we have collected,,, time to get your head out of your nether regions Zynga Gone will be all the mock wars and clan inaction

  6. If I could only READ, I'd have seen that it's HEALTH or STAMINA, not ENERGY or STAMINA. Oopsie!

  7. Health is every 10 minutes....stamina is every 8 hours.

  8. yes, the timer is gone. this is a very bad do away from zynga. How can I gat to know when will I be able to use that E-pack??? I hate zynga!

  9. I can't believe it... What is Zynga trying to force us to play 36 hours a day?!
    3 energy packs... 3 stamina packs... this game is getting a cancer.
    Now every type of player can level unlimited times a day. Damn it was fine when I leveled 1x max 2x a day. Now it is just use one pack then the other etc.
    Even more people will quit.

  10. These power packs seem to me to be a bit of a zynga trap!!
    Twice i've used one for health wich doubles yr health (I have 4,682 so I end up with 9,364 health) and both times I was attacked immediately by freaking bus loads that didn't ice me but put my health down to 385.
    Both times, before and a short time after using them it went back to the occaisional attacker!! SO BEWARE and if the same thing happens to you please let me know, cheers Mark Tientjes
    "chef the ox".

  11. Yeah Jen, No Stamina Power Packs here.

  12. No power packs here neither... is there some way of knowing when it's available per user?

  13. Anon wrote: Used one, timer shows 8 hours before I can use another. Worst part is that it didn't give me any choice - I got Stamina when I needed energy, so just wasted most of a full load of Stamina.

    My response: Power Packs don't involve energy, as MWLL pointed out in this article. It's either health or stamina. If you wanted energy you should have clicked an energy pack.

    I'm not happy about this at all. Why can't we just have a plain, simple stamina pack? Why does there always have to be something extra. If I click a power pack and get health, I'm going to strangle someone.

    I LOVED the stamina pack. Click one a day. Get full stamina. I could go on fighting without bothering anyone.


    (I don't have them yet and don't want them. I want my simple, straight forward stamina pack. I can buy health refills with my NY money until I die (in real life) and I'd still have a load of money there leftover. I don't need some lame un-random Zynga power pack to give me more health. If I want more health, I'll build more warthogs or whatever else gives me + health in NY.

  14. Just used one. Had full health. Didn't get 125% stam, but only 50%. Happened twice today. Typical Zynga.


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