Aug 17, 2011

More On Power Packs and The New Hospital


I've had some time to mess around with the new Power Packs and so far they are great. The wording in the game is a little confusing but it starts to make sense once you start using them. Power Packs have two purposes. One is to refill your stamina 125% and the other is to refill your health to 200%. You can use a Power Pack to refill your stamina once every 8 hours and your health once every 10 minutes. There is no limit on how many Power Packs you can use but you can only have 10 in your queue at a time.
Manage your Power Packs from the Home Page Module. Like Energy Packs, the option to use a Power Pack will not appear until the time is right. A "Use" button will replace the "Ask" button.
You get Power Packs through the Free Gift system. You can request and send them to your mafia right from the Home Page.

You can accept as many as you want as long as you have room for them in your queue.
Once your queue is full, Power Packs convert to Mystery Boost.
Get a 125% stamina refill as soon as you use one. You can do this every 8 hours and a timer will appear on the Home Page Module so you can keep track of when you will be able to use another one.
You can use Power Packs to refill your health every 10 minutes. It would be nice if this was on the Home Page as well but you will find the option in the Hospital.  I'm not complaining at all, just suggesting. The old Hospital sucked. You would get the option to heal using cash. Click on it...
....only to realize that your timer was active and you would have to close out the window and start the process all over.
The new Hospital gives you three options. You can use a Power Pack, Currency or Reward Points.
If you are in a destination other than New York, you get a forth option and can use New York or currency in your active destination.

When you use a Power Pack to heal there are two benefits. One is you don't have to spend any money and two is your health is increased by 200%. Click on the "Use Pack" button located in the Hospital.

A Power Pack will be removed from your queue and you will be notified that "Your health has been refilled."

Your health gets more than refilled, it doubles.

What is really cool about the new Hospital is there are active timers for the Power Pack and currency. No more guessing like before. As long as you have a Power Pack in your queue you can use it to heal.
This makes for a solid health meter in fights. It won't start to go down until you get to below 100%.
You will also see the new Hospital when you use the "Heal" button while fighting.
The options are the same as the Hospital including the option to send some Power Packs to your mafia. That's not what most people want to do while they are trying to fight!
If you don't have enough health to fight and you click on a attack button from the fight list or fight module, you will get this type of Hospital screen which is a little different. There is no option to purchase health with game currency and this is no different than it used to be with the exception that you can use a Power Pack.  This is a cool change because I didn't like having to close this screen out and scroll up to the Hospital.

Once you use a Power Pack to heal, the 10 minute timer will start. The timer is only visible from the Hospital.

Here is a cool bit of advice that probably won't work much longer. The old Stamina Packs are still usable if you find an old request. You can use these every 16 hours.
I tried one right after I used up my stamina refill from the Power Pack and was pleasantly surprised to see it still worked. Look for Stamina Packs in your old gift requests or do a refined Facebook search from the news feeds to find old links.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Muchas gracias for this useful info!

  2. wow, very informative! I look forward to seeing these in my account soon (hasn't been announced on my server yet)

  3. icing just got harder

  4. The weatherman says the next Ice Season is totally going to suck, due to a sudden and steady updraft of health.

  5. it seem that it hasn't rolled out to everyone I don't have it just he old layout for energy packs and when to check gifts and it option is missing there to send I guess it's another zynga roll out....give to some but not all and take away what you have so you can't get any stamina boost......:-)

  6. BUG!
    Used Stmaina got 125% , went to BF and lost 25% before started fighting?


  7. Another Zynga "Level Playing Field" Ploy,some now have 200%health, so much for Icing someone now.And some have extra stamina and some have no extra stamina, Way to go Zynga..This game is getting worse every day...Bye..

  8. i dont have it neither,this morning i accepted one in gifts and gave me just boosts,after i saw that i dont have anything new on my home page

  9. Another bug -- gotten two of them so far, and both had the same items as a Mystery Boost. Nothing resembling a stamina or energy boost. And when I return gifted them, the message said that I was sending a Blue Mystery Bag... sort of a double bug on the ones I got.

  10. just got ordinary boosts as if it was a secret stash thing or what ever it's called

  11. If you are getting Mystery Boosts instead of Power Packs, it's not a bug, you just don't have the feature yet. You will know when you get it because your Free Gift page and hospital will change and there will be a home page module. They are over 50% now so it should be soon.

  12. I'm interested in the strategy for the last money achivement in NY you mentioned on the last podcast

  13. I like very very much Thank you :) Cheers Brian for putting me onto this :) This means I can go a lot feather :) :) Thank you :)

  14. I had used Pay Pal for my banking institution with no problems from Pay Pal. All of a sudden Zynga sent a statement to Pay Pal that they (Zynga) were breaking their agreement with them. The only notification I received was from Pay Pal and they were very nice and told me how to contact Zynga or Face Book as the banking was my choice and Pay Pal gave me a receipt after every transaction, and they send me a three month account statement. Have you had any other complaints like this?

  15. Finally got the the Power Packs today, boy was I excited, except mine are on a 16 hour timer and the info says I only get 50% stamina every 8 hours: Use Power Packs to stay in the fight!
    Power Packs can be used to recover Health or Stamina. They can be used to gain 50% Stamina every 8 hours, or 200% Health every 10 minutes, and you can store up to 10 at a time. Get some from your friends!

  16. Why hasn't all players received the new feature of the "Power Packs"? Is this another roll out feature??

  17. im not even getting any Power Packs on my Home Page or anywhere on my Mafia Wars.........kinda sucks..........oh well.....another zynga glitch i have to live with.

  18. Two weeks later, and I still have no power packs or stamina refills. It would have been much more fair to leave the old system in place until everyone was on the new system, but no... I did try to accept one today -- a blue mystery bag. Wasn't this supposed to have been rolled out by now?

  19. I don't have the power packs option either :(


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