Aug 12, 2011

Mission Bug: Get A Grip


I have verified that there is a common and reproducible bug with the Get A Grip Mission. You will most likely encounter it in in Part 7, Smuggler's Haven. You need to "Get Support From Your Mafia" 8 times. This sounds easy enough but many are finding no matter how many people help then, the counter does not move.
No matter what I did, Mission Supports were not counting. I used the Mission Crew bookmarklet by Team Spockholm to generate a link. That didn't work.
You can see my mafia members helped me but my count stayed on zero.
I sent out individual requests and accepted one from my energy account.
That didn't work either. My Mission Crew count stayed at zero and 8 now seemed like a long ways to go.
I accepted a bunch of Mission Crew requests thinking maybe it was a reverse thing and would serve as a work around.
No such luck, no matter what I did, all I saw was a big fat zero. This was especially frustrating because I was so close to the end and I was excited to get to that Secret District.
At this point there were only two options to move on with the Mission. I could spend the 28 Reward Points and buy the task or I could contact Customer Support. Neither option is ideal but I recommend Customer Support. At the time, I thought it was just my account but now many players are reporting the same issue. For all the options and links to create a Customer Support ticket, go here. Live Chat is the fastest way if you can get through.

To review all the parts and objectives of this Mission so you can plan ahead, read my walk through here

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I had the same issue in that the links didn't work at all. Eventually I passed the mission by sending out a ton of individual requests. Some that accepted them counted and some didn't. Makes me think the problem is on the end of the person who is trying to help you and it is random.

  2. I got them by sending out individual requests. The mission crew link didn't work this time. People who clicked on the mission crew link got the proper indication, but the counter didn't move. When I sent those same people a request, it counted.

  3. In the past, I've noticed that the only way my counter moved was when the person responding also needed mission help as well. Since you are farther along in the mission than most it might be difficult to find someone who needs mission help as well...

  4. hi jen i posted this on my wall this morning when i got stuck on the same part your in my mafia so should of seen it i also posted it on the official forums in the mission thread i got customer support to complete the task for me..

  5. I have noticed a lot of flashing back again....we have seen it before and had issues .....I think this may be part of the problem with the count glitch and that the server itself on Zynga end is not refreshing like it did.....this many be a issue in there attempt to slow up scripts ....don't know but it's what I have been seeing and in not my end my other games are fine may be something for someone to look into

  6. When my counts are not increasing, I just close the game and usually the counts are there when I open it again.

  7. Yeah, this problem popped up on the section called: "City Tracking". Do hope Zynga gets these glitches fixed.


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