Aug 9, 2011

Marketplace Sale


There is a sale in the Marketplace and some items are up to 20% off. You can't miss the popup.
The sale is visible on top of the Game Header and on your Featured Items Modules when it's over look for these should disappear.
These bore me as the stuff I want is never on sale. I can only hope for items like stamina refills to go on an hourly sale and then hope the Zynga bug doesn't charge me full price requiring a trip to Customer Support. They say if you have zero stamina you will be charged full price and the work around is to wait until you have a few stamina points. I've found that not always to be true and no matter what I do, I get charged 10 Reward Points instead of 8. I'm too lazy to contact Customer Support so this is something that really irritates me.
When you go to the Marketplace, you will probably get a 40% off Reward Points offer.
I didn't see anything good on sale. If they would stop coming out with new and better loot every other day I might be tempted to buy some Limited Edition loot items. Some players really want that Space Monkey so now will be a cheaper time to try to get it.
I tried and had no luck. I know what a waste.
One thing we hardly ever see anymore is Skill Point Reallocation. Last time they had this sale, that was available. Maybe they are done with it which would be a shame.
Ammo to beat The Raven was also on sale last time and this time there is no such luck.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Are the ever going to put skill points on sale again.... like 12 instead of 14....


  2. Why are you wasting time on this?

  3. btw. last time you said something about a discount for RPs not appearing, well the 100 % way to always make it spawn is to buy about 5-7 items with victory coins, a window for 40 percent rp buy will always appear afterwards, at least for me

  4. theres a law against rip offs like this in our country, "consumer act law" i think....maybe you have to in the US...this scambag needs some spanking, give him!!! zynga suck!!!


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