Aug 23, 2011

Family Boss Fight Achievement?


The Official Mafia Wars Blog made a post about the new Family Boss Fight. I won't repeat the information as I've already went over the details here. I with they would supply us with more technical details so it wouldn't take hours to verify things.  We still don't know how the Leaderboard points are determined or why the Boss regenerates health towards the end of the fight.  One item in their post that has caused some concern is the mention of an achievement tying into obtaining all 4 Grand Prize (Superior Loot) items.  Smaller Families will be lucky to complete the Boss Fight once in the time allotted.

"On top of that, you can collect the 4 top loot items to land an achievement!"/The Official Mafia Wars Blog

I don't see an achievement in my game and I pray this isn't true. I have some very strong players in my Family and it would be impossible to contribute enough to make it to the top of the Leaderboard and get all 4 Superior items. I'm lucky just to get the average ones. My Family is on the 10th Boss Fight now and I was off line for more than half of them. I can let you know that if you don't help at all, you don't get any loot.  They also want us to take one of there 2 question surveys about the feature. Go to if you're interested. If they would be more creative and ask real questions, I would spend the time taking these surveys. The effort required for this feature is not worth the rewards. Much needs to be improved, especially the drop rates. Families who don't have a lot of stamina players are screwed!

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. MW has taken one direction and I'm taking another. All Mafia & FB friends in process of being deleted. MW to be deleted after that. Looking forward to 2 or 3 extra hours per day in my life.

  2. It is not essential to finish on top of the leaderboard to get a superior item- only thing is if u finish on top- your chances of getting a superior item are higher- I have not finished in top 5 yet I have 2 superior items.

  3. And as of this morning, 8/24, Family Boss Fights are not completing properly and rewards are not being given.

  4. Conversely, being the top of the leaderboard does not automatically net you a superior item.
    For my family's first run i received a rare item. Even after being on top, and doing all the final blows (including all the health regrow teases).

  5. Yeah, I agree with GC Espresso. This family stuff is bullshit. Either get in a good family or other players have an advantage. I'm almost level 2000 and lately it seems I just don't care anymore. It's time to stop wasting time on this...

  6. We have finished 4 times yet i have only two of the new loot items, anyone else getting shafted by zynga???


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