Aug 29, 2011

Cuba Reopens Tomorrow


We pretty much knew this was coming but Zynga officially announced that Cuba will reopen tomorrow. All progress has been saved and you will start off from where you were when it shut down. A Ruby Level will be added so players who have already mastered Cuba will have something to do. Cuba will be around for two weeks. Go here to read all the details.

"Your job progress will start for where you left off, but you’ll find a new tier of job mastery and powerful new loot."/The Official Mafia Wars Blog
For a sneak peak at what to expect, go here and for a list of all the new loot items and their stats, go here.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Thanks for the info hope it is not just temperary

  2. I just hope the energy required is not crap like Brazil, 500+ per click it simply put... ROBBING US!

  3. Another site says 2 weeks only Robert.....and toxic dont complain before you even get it.

  4. From the post: "Cuba will be around for two weeks." Reading comprehension fail for Mr. Lewin.

  5. "Zynga's wobbing us. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" It's a game, Toxic. A frigging game.

  6. I thought they were gonna reboot cuba, change into something like brazil, but this sounds good, only ruby tier left to do and farm those "new powerful loot".

  7. wish after this one they'll ,bring back moscow and bangkok miss those cities since they were closed down

  8. The game is the game. Some stuff is hard, other stuff is easy. So long as it works and doesn't crash.


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