Jul 19, 2011

Stuff Is Broke


I don't know what's going on right now but many can't play Mafia Wars. Many scripts aren't working either. I've been able to fight manually but that's way too much work. I'm going to be patient and wait until things are fixed.
Cerulean Master replied to this forum thread and said the loading issues have been reported. Stay tuned for an update.

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Old Today, 02:53 AM
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Hey guys,

I have reported the loading issues. I will post an update when I receive it.


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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. He said "load" [/butthead]

  2. support told me to play at www.mafiwars.com witch is working if i go through FB i cant click on anything no buttons work

  3. Everything seems to be fine on the mafiawars.zynga.com site, but on facebook everything in-game seems to be broken.

  4. It's the Ice Bad Zynga added to our names, that is causing the current issue. :( Why can't they just leave their stuff along long enough before they break it again?! loL!

  5. Zyngatards!!!!
    How hard is it to say "oh, we just broke the game, let's change it back where it was 5 minutes ago so our players can play".
    Why let it sit broken? I don't get it...
    I really think they do this stuff on purpose sometimes... there's no other logical reason. :-/

  6. it really sucks when it's your day off and excited to play MW.... zynga you messed up bigtime!!!

  7. You are so on top of things! Tks Jenn:)

  8. I hope they screw with the scripts for at least a week. It will be interesting to see how many people can't complete events without them.

  9. Anonymous up there.
    Sorry but this game is unplayable without scripts once you're level 500+

  10. It's funny how players got over-dependent on script usage just to finish simple tasks such as item crafting, property collecting, etc. At least the developers eliminated ice-cheating..3 ices (i think) on the same target won't credit you an ice for the season. LOL to botters

  11. Only "bot" i use is the spockholm assassin-a-nator! reason being i dont get on much per day so i can leave that running whilst earning a wage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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