Jul 12, 2011

Brazil Ruby Level Loot


Brazil Ruby Level Loot is coming soon. There is nothing new in the inventory yet. I'll search for server images later on tonight.

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Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Really looking forward to this! I'm very curious about all the other loot items. Will they drop in every district with the same drop rate so it'll be best in loot drop matters to be in the first district to minimize energy cost ? Or will it be proportional so it doesn't matter which tier?

  2. Great, it has dropped. So what do you do if you haven't even achieved ruby in all levels yet? Are you doomed to fail before you even begin? I don't get it.

  3. Q: How will this event work?
    A: Players will need to collect 7 different loot items that can be found by completing jobs in a district that has been previously mastered to the Ruby level in Brazil.

    Q: What if I do not have any of the districts mastered to Ruby?
    A: If you currently do not have any Ruby districts completed in Brazil you still have the opportunity to participate in this event. You will need to complete at least one district to the Ruby level, which will trigger the event. You can then repeat that level (or any others that you complete) to find the Ruby loot drop items.

  4. How many energy points do I have to spend before the loot drops? Seems to be a waste of energy points as the loot doesn't drop.


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