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Jun 16, 2011

Special Part Back On Free Gift Page


One of the question on Mafia Wars Live was "Why do you keep taking the Special Part off the Free Gift Page?". It seems that they listened as today it's back. This was never a big deal to those who use the Link-a-Nator because the codes remained active. Many haven't discovered this great tool or are too afraid Zynga will ban their account if they use it. They got rid of the Satchel of Lira which was pretty useless and not often used anyways.
When the Falling Skies Technical was added, it replaced the Special Part.
When they added the Whetstone for the Limited Time buildable item, they were smart to finally get rid of those useless Mystery Animals.
Have you seen the stats of those things? Let's hope they never bring them back. Oh no, is that a Honey Badger? Now I want one!
(image from the Mafia Wars Wiki)

Thanks to Carol P. for the e-mail. I would have never noticed!

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law

1 comment:

  1. I was happy to open my gift page to see that special parts had been restored. Its a small thing, but the relatively fast response to your request on the Chat is encouraging.

    Classy Cassie


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