Jun 1, 2011

Skill Point Reallocation Available Today


Between 4pm and 5pm Zynga Time (Pacific), Skill Point Reallocation will be available in the Marketplace. Look for it in the Stat tab.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Got it right on time
    3rd time now ;)


  2. I missed it again... :((
    Will it be available anytime again?...

  3. where are they letting people know about this???

  4. 50RP to reallocate 50 skill points? Is that a joke? Why would anyone do this, I can level 30 times in a day, and have 150 new skill points to just add anywhere I want, now if it was 50RP to reallocate (all) of your points around thats another story... Pointless

  5. Yeah that is kinda silly to spend 50rp to move 50 points but Im some people will waste their RP's on this

  6. if you can level 30 times per day... then you obviously are not a fighter. thus, you don't understand the need to reallocate skill points to attack/defense. This is great for us fighters who have tons of health or possibly energy that we would like to exchange for higher att/def/stam. P.S. I'm ticked I didn't see the hourly sale yesterday!

  7. dumb. I want to know how to get up to platinum level. Is the only way to buy RW points?

  8. Waste? It is no waste if the skill points were free. Use your brain before you write please.. If i have 50 extra health points, many do, and they cost nothing to build then how is it a waste to spend 50 RP to turn those wasted HP in attack points? Can you purchase 50 attack points for 50 RP? No, no you cannot..

  9. Would liked to get the possibility to do this, not managed so far! Don't know when it is next time?

  10. They should charge 1000 RP to re-arrange all your stats with no penalty other than you can't go to zero. I would love to re-arrange my stats since they have changed the game-play from when I first started. Or allow Platinum members to do a one-time re-arrangement as a perk for obtaining the Platinum tier. Other then Little Dog, there really isn't a benefit that I see for being Platinum. Whoopdie do I get 4x $$$ as loyalty points. Shit I can't even buy 1 Power Claw with a 1000 RP purchase at 30-40% discount.


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