Jun 23, 2011

New War Loot and Achievement


While running the Inventory History bookmarklet, I saw 20 new war loot items were added to my inventory.
Two new sets of war loot have been unlocked and there are two new war achievements called warlord 4 and Warlord 5.
If you have Warlord 1-3, Warlord 4 will be unlocked. Warlord 5 will unlock once you get the Warlord 4 achievement.
Here are the loot items needed to get the Warlord 4 achievement.
Since I haven't unlocked the Warlord 5 set, here are the items as they appear in our inventory.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. just saw this LottLady!

  2. dream commute and Hybrid flight are identical, Sloth bear looks familiar also , and the vests havent changed much either.

  3. The Hybrid Flight looks like its from E&A...cept a different paint job.The Raven in E&A is black...


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