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Jun 23, 2011

New Spockon.me Email Bonus Links


A few days ago, I told you about a hacker who was stealing the e-mail bonus links that Mike Nestor posts on the Mafia Wars Loot Lady Fan Page everyday (1). The hacker recreated the link so it would go to a fake Facebook login page and that wasn't very cool. I recommended that you only click on the links in the designated Discussion Thread and our hacker had the nerve to start posting them there as well. What a douche-bag!

Mike and Team Spockholm have outwitted this annoying hacker and from now on our daily e-mail links will be spockon.me links. Mike announced the good news on the fan page here.
I don't usually post the daily e-mail links on the blog because you can find them on the fan page and there is a link to them on the Checklist by Team Spockholm.

Today is the exception because this is our first spockon.me email bonus link. Remember if you don't see spockon.me, don't click on it!

I got 100 experience points. What did you get?

Many thanks to Mike Nestor who updates this link daily and never misses a beat and to Team Spockholm for helping us beat the hacker!

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Stamina refill woohoooo

  2. the shaft, a gold crowbar

  3. :))) Stamina Refill, so that's 2500+ more fights to take care of, as I'd just run out altogether.

    Didn't even know this existed...

  4. won... +1 experience?

  5. Got 2 RP. Thanks!

  6. Your email bonus is...
    Stamina Refill
    woohooo good job !!!

  7. issnt the email bonus working anymore??

  8. doesn't work for me and it can't be because I haven't collected because I couldn't find the link yesterday???

  9. I think it has stopped working. I have not got a bonus from this in days now.


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