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Jun 28, 2011

New Operations and Loot


We have new Operations available now.
Here are the new loot items from the Inventory History bookmarklet.
And here is a closer look from our inventory. You can see none of these items are going to be in the Top 8! I can't believe the stats of the rare items are so crappy. I'll have more on the specific Operations once I get them.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. Kinda lame that they only added defensive items...

  2. From...
    Steal Government Research

    Dolphin Submarine [55/98]
    Monofin [100/60]
    Bottle-nosed Dolphin [98/54]
    Spear Storm [76/34]
    Bad Habit [46/78]
    Brown Cancer Crab [52/75]
    Scythe Chariot [80/80]
    Set of Throwing Spikes [45/66]
    Long Tailed Pangolin [68/40]
    Mach-4 [66/48]
    Bullet Proof Heart [42/67]
    Full Plate Armor [69/37]

  3. Same drop on

    Fix the Triple Crown

  4. So there's a third to get the boat?

  5. Found the one for the boat. It's Frame a Rival Don.

    Dune Rider Jacket was one of the rares I didn't have. And Magma magnifique an uncommon.

  6. Spikes is a worthless item anyway !!!


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