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Jun 28, 2011

New Limited Time Buildable Item


There is a new Limited Time item on your Build Your Empire Module called the Slate Knife.
It's the same story as the last item called the Sharing Thoughts. You build it in the Weapons Depot, the stats suck and there are no special abilities. You probably shouldn't waste a crafting moment to make one of these things.
You need 10 Whestones to build each Slate Knife and all of your extra Whetstones from the last buildable item were taken away. You can get new Whestones by using the Free Gift system.
Unlike previous buildable items (excluding the Sharing Thoughts), you need 10 building items to make each item. It used to require 10 for the first item and 5 for every one after. That's even more incentive to totally ignore this feature.
I would avoid making any of these and stick to the items that offer special abilities that make your character stronger.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. What a waste!!! At least they should give us any bonus (health, attack, defense or stamina) to make look this new item attractive.

  2. that may be a waste yes.
    but do you realy tink that these items are here to improve the big guns? there here so that low lvl players can craft a fair item. if stats are we get stronger to and the point of these items is to let them catch up


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