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Jun 15, 2011

How To Stock Up On Shotgun Blasts


I'm still waiting for my second Boss Fight to appear and have spend well over 30K stamina. I've fought manually, used scripts and have iced 223 people!
I did an Inventory History before and after my first Boss Fight and here is exactly what was used to kill The Raven.
Since Ammo (Boss Fight Consumables) don't drop unless you have an active Boss Fight, I looked into loading up on Shotgun Blasts. These provide the most damage and you can hold up to 80 at a time. The rest of the consumable items have a cap of 50. Shotgun Blasts are no longer part of the Free Gift system so that option is out. In the past, you could only accept 40 a day so that wasn't a good way to get them anyways. Here is how to get up to 80 Shotgun Blasts while you wait for your Boss Fight to appear. When you Boss Fight is active, you will see The Raven on your Home Page Module. It's very important to your mafia that you ask for Ammo when this module is present.
Once you click on "Ask for Ammo", a request will be generated.
When you mafia clicks on "Send ammo" from the request, they will get 2 Shotgun blasts for helping.
There is a limited number of Shotgun Blasts available from each feed so you will find this message when you try to help.
Since you can only hold up to 80 Shotgun Blasts at a time, you only need to find 40 active requests. This is pretty easy to do using the Event Scanner by Team Spockholm. If you haven't used this tool before, go here for instructions. Shotgun Blast requests can be found under the bossfightV2 tab. Click on it and look for posts that say "Send Ammo".
Keep clicking on these posts until you are at your capacity of 80 Shotgun Blasts. Once you use them up, you can go and collect more.
I had 12 left over from my first Boss Fight and was able to collect 68 Shotgun Blasts from the Event Scanner.
Another problem with this now you see me now you don't style of Boss Fight is there isn't an easy way to check and see how many Boss Fight consumables you own. You have to go to the Inventory Page and so a manual search.
You can see I now have 80 Shotgun Blasts just waiting for the next Boss Fight to appear. If and when that ever happens, I'll be ready to Shotgun Blast his 30K health down to zero.
Martin has just posted another bookmarklet called the Stream Scanner. Find it on the Spockholm Mafia Tools Experimental Page.
It's just like the event scanner but it will load the links in the background so all you need to do is click on them without waiting for a new window to open.
I'll write more on this tool when I get a chance to try it out. Oh Raven, where are you? I got 80 Shotgun Blasts and I'm waiting to pound them into you!

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. thanks for the info. I started the Boss fight earlier and he had 3000 health when I logged off this AM. However, when I just got back on, I can't find the darn Boss fight. Does that mean I've defeated him? lol. Ugh!

  2. That's strange. I have 111 in my inventory. Just by fighing. I haven't been able to collect from feed since the first boss fight. I've done both.

  3. Mary you cannot fight him because after 6 or 8 hours he escape...there's a timer now which is new.
    Thanks for the info as ways Jen.

  4. I had 200 blasts left over from the last boss fights before I got my 1st shot at raven. still waiting for my 2nd......

  5. what r u using to ice people ? which java script ?

  6. I've beat him twice. Last night and today. After my first ice I got the message that he would be back then maybe 10-12 ices later I got th link that I could attck again. When I had 115 Shotgun blast(before my first fight) I wasn't allowed to accept any from the feeds. Tony

  7. just did a 4hr event scanner not one person posted for shot gun blasts. rare nature of this boss will make collecting these consumables painful

  8. I used
    Knife Slash -18
    Bloody Knuckles -3
    Crack of the Bat -20
    Shotgun Blast -38

    First I did one of each combo then I did the red combo (with one or two misstake) until he was out. I have now 186 shotgun blasts left from before.

  9. Is there a link that we can use to generate a shotgun blast request during the times that we don't have an active fight open?


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