Jun 25, 2011

Collector's Event Update and Item #4: Dragonfish


One thing you can count on in Zyngaland is that things will always change. I can see major game changes but lately we've seen events change mid-way through. The Collector's Event is no exception. Many players from around the world felt it wasn't fair that the 5,000 items were available at a time when most of them were sleeping. To spread things out more, and additional 2,000 items will be available at 2am PDT. There will now be a total of 7,000 items. I think this is  good change for those who really want these items. The Official Mafia Wars Blog updated this post to include the following:

6/24/2011 10:24pm PDT UPDATE: To give Mafia Wars fans around the world a better chance at obtaining the very rare Collector's Edition Items, we'll be making them available twice a day for the remainder of the promotion. Starting tomorrow, Saturday, 6/25, we're going to make 2,000 available at 2 am PDT each day and 5,000 available at 10 am PDT each day, for a total of 7,000 of each Collector's Edition Item. They will never be made available again, so be sure to get them while you can!

The fourth item in this event is the Dragonfish. 2,000 were available at 2am and sold out in 30 min and 45 sec.
The Home Page Module now says sold out but 5,000 more will be available at 9am PDT. They really should make that more clear in the game. Not everybody goes back and scans old blog posts. Trust me, I would get asked way fewer questions if they did!
Thanks to Mike Nestor for the screen shots.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. I think Zynga completely mixed up , because another Dragon fish sale start again :D
    you can see it's photo on my wall :

  2. Boy is it Zynga all messed up the dragon fish never re appeared for me at all..10 a.m. PDT was on NOTHING had been onMw since 7:30 a.m. and nothing ever showed another screw-up on zyngas part yet again!!

  3. do you really need to pay 35rp for an ugly fish picture.
    how much is its resale value considering its a collectors item?...LOL

  4. People are so blind to how to play the game. To spend 35 rp's on any loot is a waste when you can get 18 skills by building the +6 three times in the weapons depot and the skills will mean far more than the extra gain in loot. LOL

  5. People are stupid PERIOD.

    The poster above knows what's going on kinda but JUST PEOPLE ARE RETARDS... a PERSON can be smart but PEOPLE == SHIT

  6. well ZYNGA screwed it up again. The second sale of DRAGONFISH was suppposed to occur at 10 AM PDT as advertised in the official blog. But guess what... it showed up in the Marketplace at 9 AM PDT, one hour before scheduled. So that left those who logged in at 10 AM PDT looking for it, wondering where it was. Thank you ZYNGA for making things harder than they need to be.


  7. and now for those who purchased the CRANIUM LIGHTER at the 2 AM PDT timeframe, check your inventories. RPs were deducted, but no CRANIUM LIGHTER in the invetory or Profile pixel page.

    Will collectors try to purchase another one at 10 AM PDT (or is it 9 AM PDT because Zynga can't figure out their own promotion?)?

    MW pixel Collector


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