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Jun 22, 2011

Collector's Edition Items Resale


UPDATE: This was a glitch and wasn't suppose to be turned on a second time. Only 5,800 total items were sold for the day. See explanation by Cerulean Master in the comments.

Earlier today, the first Collector's Edition Item was sold around 10am Zynga Time. 5,000 items were sold in less than an hour and we were told that would be it. I mean it is a Collector's Edition. Those who purchased a Leo Nemaeus felt pretty happy that they owned one of 5000 in existence. Zynga couldn't resist getting fast Reward Points and decided to sell 5,000 more around 4pm Zynga Time. Essentially what they did was depreciated the value (if you could say there was any) of the first 5,000 items. Now there are 10,000 Leo Nemaeus Lions out there. That's a good way to twist a sales gimmick into something entirely different than promised. I wouldn't be surprised if they sell all these "Collector's Edition" items at a later date.

Thanks to Ng for the screen shot.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. That's nothing less than fraud.
    A shame, especially when you consider how easy they could have quickly painted a new item.

  2. I really hope someone takes them to court and blows it up in the media...lying bastards!

  3. SCAM...
    i wont use my hard earned rps for this useless piece of crap...

  4. Why is nobody talking about this on the forums? Has it been banned?

    How do you know they extended to 10,000? I see nothing about it anywhere. What proof is there.

    This is fraud for sure and if nobody is going to get it looked at by an attorney I will.

  5. i have one leo & iwas quite happy to own limited edition item..now i am not buying any of this

  6. Another scam event. Especially to new players, please use your RPs wisely.

  7. Vla Unvoidid Zheng WenZhongJune 22, 2011 at 7:27 PM

    wow, CM is here?
    CM, I want that collection and I want it so bad.... I offline at 10:05 am PDT last night (its midnight in here)... and bla... the collection exist.. when I woke up this morning... its all gone.... so... how can I have it? since zynga is not on time: 09:00 am PDT... grrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!
    I WANT IT.

  8. Hey guys,

    This was a mistake on our part. Turning the item back on was not intentional and the sale was cut-off after only 800 more of the item was purchased.

    The total ended up being 5800, not 10,000.

    For the remainder of the event, there limit will still be 5000 items in stock.



  9. Maybe it's me but how can a virtual item sell out? Did they run out of their allotment of code for the day? If they want to sell a limited number then put a count on it.


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