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Jun 23, 2011

Collector's Edition Item #2: Chrome Diesel


The second Collector's Edition item was on sale today. The Chrome Diesel has stats of 60/116 and there are only 5,000 in existence (wink). I read in the comments yesterday that Zynga should slap a number on these things if they want to truly call them Collector's Edition items and I think that's a great idea. Like most people around the world, I was sleeping. If I'm awake at 9am, it means I haven't gone to bed yet so I don't have any information of how long it took to sell out.
(thanks to Ali from Mafia Wars Maniac Fan Page for the image)
David Reedy was awake and purchased one.
Just like yesterday, all 5,000 items sold out and are no longer available.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. This really sucks and excludes anyone asleep or not at home during that short period of time. It would be nice if they released them twice during a day, spaced apart by 12 hours - at least all players *might have a chance to buy one.

    Thank you for all you do Jennifer .. I have you coming up first in Google Reader each day :)

  2. unlike yesterday's item which was over an hour late, today's CHROME DIESEL was released a minute before 9:00 AM PDT. Sales were slow compared to yesterday. At 10:15 AM PDT there were still a few left, so this one actually lasted well over an hour. I wonder if that is a trend that will continue, as people start running out of RPs and the novelty goes away of this new feature as the items keep coming out.


  3. said it before, say it now, I wonder if normal marketplace items get bough more than 5000 times? I am really not sure about that considering how quickly they get obsolety, so actually those are collection items, not just these...

  4. There were just over 800 left when I got mine at 9:30 pdt.

  5. don't even have chance to know how much it costs.


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