Jun 23, 2011

The Margay Special Ability


Ever since I posted about the Brazil District 8 mastery item called the Margay, I've been curious to test out the special ability (1). We get +1% - +5% damage for fighting in Brazil.increase range of 17-28 and 0-22

Right before I got the Margay on the Bronze level, I attacked my energy account 6 times and took note of the range in the damage I did. The range was +17- +28.
I got the Margay was was told that I would get +1% damage for fighting in Brazil.
I double checked that the Margay in my inventory and refreshed my game.
I attacked my energy account again and here are the 6 attacks I did after receiving the Margay. The range of damage I did to my opponent was +14-+28 compared to +17-+28 without it. 1% isn't enough to be noticeable at this point and more attacks would be needed to really document a difference. I wouldn't have even posted this but it will be good to refer back to when testing this out in the future or reviewing the new Premium Boosts. Please comment if you do any type of testing on this special ability.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. lmao!!! weve been had by Zynga once more!

  2. well, 1 percent of 17 is like 0.17 which roundes down to 0..you would have to do at least 50 damage to get a increase of 1 damage is zynga roundes up numbers, if it only consideres whole number you would need 100 damage to notice any difference...even the 5 percent on ruby are absolutely worthless...they should have made a plus 5 increase to attack while fighting in brazil, would be far better...


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