Jun 22, 2011

Collector's Edition Item #1: Leo Nemaeus


The first Collector's Edition Item was available in the marketplace. Zynga was about an hour late but we all should know by now that Zynga time is unpredictable. Items are suppose to become available at 9am (Zynga time) and last until they are sold out or 24 hours has passes. Mike Nestor who cant resist cool Marketplace items was lucky enough to get his hands on one. When the item of the day is available, it will show up on the Current Events Home Page Module.
Click on the "Get Item" button and you will be directed to the Marketplace where you will see the item on the Featured Limited Edition Loot Module.
Click on the "Purchase for 35 Reward Points" button and the item is all yours (providing you have 35 Reward Points). There is no option to buy these in bulk so it's one at a time if you want your own fleet.
We love statistics and Mike had some fun watching the items sell. There were 3,462 items left in stock when    Mike got to it and he took periodic screen shots and added time stamps from 1:21 until 2:04 to sell the remaining items. According to Zynga, it took a total of 56 min to sell all 5,000 items.  
Once all the items are gone, the "Get Items" button converts to a "Sold Out" button and nobody can buy anymore.
The loot item will stay on the Marketplace module as well to let you know you missed out. I don't feel I will be missing anything by not buying any of these items. What good is having something "rare" if you can't even sell it on E-Bay in the future. They really should make this giftable so they would have a very high trade value.

Article written by Jennifer Patterson, Creator of the MW Loot Lady Blog, The Mafia Wars Loot Lady Facebook Fan Page and Co-Host of The Informant Podcast.
All material is protected by copyright law


  1. i got one, or two im not sure
    don messin

  2. Total Waste. They should at least come with a bonus or something. Not really collector if its the same as everything else. I say FAIL

  3. how can they sell out of something that isnt real? must of worked if they some how "sold out" by forcing players to buy it.... and if you act now zynga will throw in a limited edition 1 time only, raven boss fight absolutely free (terms and conditions apply) must ice 2000 players and spend 10'000'000 stamina. also speaking of boss fight, theres meant to be another one in a few days, wonder if people can get to the end of icing this one before it magiacally vanishes

  4. not worth of buying those =)

  5. much better if invest in skill points...
    this item will be obsolete after months time...
    so dont waste money on this.
    zyngas making a fool out of you.

  6. 5000 fools. I cant believe people bought those up in an hour. I agree that the skill points are a better buy. THese Limited items should come with a skill boost

  7. the "limited" items are nothing else than normal marketplace items, I seriously doubt many of the marketplace items got bough 5000 times, but here just stamp them as "collection" and bam, they get sold out (if graphics and numbers can get sold out...which obviously they cannot)...

  8. OMG they released another 5000!!! Just like the other poster said. How do we know when something is really sold out?? They are just being greedy now I cant believe they are going so fast.

  9. Limited Edition = Limited by how many suckers they can make buy.


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